Monday, May 6, 2019

Marketing Research for a Company in Dubai Paper

Marketing for a Company in Dubai - Research Paper exerciseThe marketing management department of Masafi gener tout ensembley divided its target audiences into three different market segmentation, such(prenominal) as psychographic segmentation, demographic segmentation and geographic segmentation.In terms of psychographic segmentation, the organization has targeted kids, young adults and women of all ages. The new fruit juices argon rough-and-readyly popular among the teenagers and kids. On the other hand, mettlesome quality mineral peeing bottle and fruit flavoured drinks are highly popular among the young college students, young office executives, middle time-worn men and women, and busy office executives. These products are of high quality. Therefore, it helps the marketing management department to conduct effective psychographic market segmentation for the target customers.In terms of demographic market segmentation, the organization generally targets two men and women for their differentiated products. Facial tissues are quite popular among the young ladies. On the other hand, high quality mineral water bottles are significantly preferred by the both men and women of all ages. In terms of income distri unlession, people of middle class and upper middle class income group are the major target customers as the o0rganization has developed cost based pricing strategy for the products (Ferrell, 2012). Last but not the least the organization also has conducted geographic segmentation for its target customers in the developed marketing strategies.

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