Sunday, March 31, 2019

Analysing Case Studies Of Mercedes Benz Tesco Marketing Essay

Analysing Case Studies Of Mercedes Benz Tesco food merchandising EssayINTRODUCTIONExtremely violent and highly agonistical planetaryised work milieu has intensified the apprehensions of military control establishments pertaining to the cultivation and implementation of prudently knowing argumentation strategies that tush ensure their long survival and enduring success in the market. It has been observed, that despite of designing undimmed strategical programs, many condescension organisations fail to maintain their survival in the market and this is only because of their inability to cognitive mathematical military operation exclusivelyy devise and enact these strategic decisions (Mills, Platts, bound and Richards 2002, p. 112). Operation oversight is strategically important for the short letter organisations as myriad day-to-day routineal activities ar responsible for ascertain the makement to which the key strategic accusatorys are executed and there by, constituting long-term organisational success. It has been studied that operation solicitude is all about defining, organising and directing organisational aims and objectives finished strategically employed operable procedures concerning the organisation (Slack et al 2004, p.67). Several constituting factors including price, feel, service, flexibility and vocationoffs are meant to transgress the operational schema (Slack and Lewis 2002, p. 221) and in govern to improve prime(prenominal), enhanced organisational nakedness and follow-effectiveness, a wide-ranging operational paradigms make been emerged in recent measure (Anderson 2006, p. 56).Supply drawing string scheme is the crucial element of operation watchfulness through which the marrow operational processes including window pane, logistics and procurement activities are integrated by pulling materials in response to demand patterns and hence, demand uncertainty is avoided and planning mountain strings , inventories and service levels are monumentally improved (Slack and Lewis 2002, p. 226). Business organisations in any case use optimum resources and brassic managerial approaches to support quality and invention in their crossways and serve for which they integrate key operational, procedural and functional systems. Organisations can achieve complete quality indoors their business operations when positive ethnic shift is established by knitting vehement relational bonds amid human capitals and maintaining long-term partnerships with suppliers (Hayes, Pisano, Upton and Wheelwright 2005, p. 119). Operation heed paradigm overly encompasses the concept of capableness planning through which the organisational management exhibits its competency to forewarn the unprecedented events and strategise in advance to circumvent the chances of protracted fiscal modify (Ferguson 2000, p. 65) whereas, the evaluating the extent of orders and thereby, monitoring and determining the required inventory levels and stock reclamation is covered by inventory management model (Anderson 2006, p. 59). The study is designed to illustrate these concepts in a survey format by evaluating the house-to-house operation management paradigm.1.1 Aims ObjectivesOrganisations can achieve enhanced fiscal benefits and node satisfaction by triggering the process of transforming inputs into outputs with intent to add value to the organisational goals in terms of producing improved products and services (Giannakis and Croom 2004, p. 28). This not only enables in gaining affirm over systemic planning and management activities but likewise results in attaining sustainable competitive advantage by maximising organisational productivity. The main objective of this study is to investigate the key concepts and theories of operation management which is considered as the event contributor to the long-term organisational success. The study aims to analyze the corporate and market str ategies of ace service-based and one(a) manufacturing organisation i.e. Tesco and Mercedes by critically discussing the suppositional principles and frameworks covered in operation management paradigm. Moreover, the study also intends to evaluate the blend of abstractive concepts based on the case studies of each organisation in order to assess the relative impacts on their long-term competitiveness, excogitation and sustainability.1.2 Rationale of the teachOperation management is a multidisciplinary approach encompassing the decision reservation process pertaining to the design, planning and management of all the factors influencing the operational cleverness of an organisation (Ferguson 2000, p. 68). Globalisation has shrunk the geographical boundaries and the consumer world has now been exposed to generous schooling and alternatives to the products and services which have made it extremely intricate for the business organisations to stand-out (Giannakis and Croom 2004, p. 30). The single-valued function of operation management becomes crucial in terms of creating, transforming and controlling the robust resources to generate saleable products or services. The scope of this study is to contribute close to value to the existing literature pertaining to operation management as the divinatory underpinnings of the subject and the evaluation of case studies are designed to facilitate in failing advance understanding of managing the deployment of operational resources deep down the incessantly changing globalised business environment to gain competitive advantage. The significance of studying operation management paradigm is equally beneficial to the academia, operations practitioners and contemporary business organisations.Structure of the ReportThis plane section is designed to explicate the structure of the cogitation that is primarily based on comparing and contrasting the theoretical approaches of operation management by prudently evaluating the corporate and marketing strategies based on case studies of two selected organisations. The report is creatively structured and divided into quint distinct segments. Initial segment of the report is the introductory part that is meant to develop the foundational grounds of the study by explaining the key objectives and scope of conducting the research. Second segment of the report begins with presentation of corporation profiles of two selected organisations i.e. Tesco and Mercedes by critically evaluating core operational and transformational processes to assess the adequacy of their strategically devised corporate and marketing initiatives for gaining competitive advantage in the market. Theoretical concepts and frameworks of operation management including impart chain management, capacity planning, inventory management and total quality management are appraised in the third segment of the report which intends to justify the arguments by linking the theoretical underpinni ng with the information extracted from case studies. Fourth segment assesses the operation of theoretical concepts on the case studies of selected organisations, in order to investigate relative impacts on the organisational competitiveness, macrocosm and sustainability in a longer run. The report is terminated in the twenty percent segment which is designed to logically conclude the overall arguments in a consistent manner.OPERATIONAL TRANSFORMATIONAL PRACTICESContemporary organisations ought to adapt with the consistently changing trends of the trade world and globalised economies as consumers bargaining behaviors are gravely affected by the modern operational and transformational procedures. Today, the entrenchment of innovativeness, technology and advance quality of products and services have become crucially evidential to the operation management process for gaining competitive advantage in the market (Anderson 2006, p. 57).2.1 Case muse I Mercedes BenzThe strategic all iance of Daimler-Benz with Chrysler in 1998 petabit to establish DaimlerChrysler AG, which is now appreciate as one of the leading and well-nigh promising automobilemobile companies crosswise the globe. The luxury German motorcar manufacturing confederacy enjoys its humungous presence by in operation(p) in 104 countries whilst selling its products in approximately 200 countries through more than than 13,000 sales outlets deep down the globalised economic arena (Mercedes 2011). Mercedes is primarily engaged in the manufacturing, distribution and sales activities related to its wide range of uniquely designed and technologically move on automotive products including passenger cars and commercial vehicles and on the another(prenominal) hand, the high society also offers funding solutions (Mercedes 2011). In accordance with the key statistics as illustrated in its yearbook Report (2002), the company has generated revenues of 130.80 billion and employs more than 365,600 employees widely served (Mercedes 2011). The world renowned BMW, Lexus, Toyota, Volkswagen and General Motors are amongst its core competitors.2.1.2 Analysing the Corporate Marketing StrategiesThe corporate schema of Mercedes Benz is focussed on enhanced quality and dependableness of its products and services by stressing on The best or nothing dodge (Mercedes 2011). Presently, the company has been observed to raise its profile in fleet car sales by 17% in 2010 and save 11% by 2011 with intent to prevail over every operational segment contrasted its premium rivals that are focussed on tax-cutting low CO2 models within market that is tightly up just under 2% (Mercedes annual Report 2008). Studies suggest that the operations tasks can be articulated by identifying five operations carrying into action objectives as for instance, lowering the pricing schema necessitates substantial reduction in operational cost or nimble customer services require swift operational procedures and as better product quality demands for advancement in the areas concerning innovation, design and technology (Slack et al 2004, p. 119). Mercedes have been experiencing quality control problems due to its batteries, alternators and brakes integrated in its several models made since 2001, that were quiet manifest especially after the biggest product recalls in 2005, indicating that the company is overtakeingly losing its loyal consumer base (BBC 2006). The company has introduced technologically sophisticated gadgetry in its S- distinguish cars range in parallel to its pledge for being the market leader in terms of quality and reliability til now several business analysts have identified the electronic gremlins might further impair companys image by alienating its existing consumer base (Mercedes Annual Report 2007). With respect to its marketing strategy, Mercedes is focussed on Ambition to lead by particularly emphasising on 6Ps of marketing i.e. product, price, promotion, place, people and process. Massive improvements have been observed in its product designs and technologies especially in E and S class ranges by introducing higher-rate springs, stabiliser audio, navigation, trip computer and telephone consoled steering wheels (Bilich and Neto 2000, p. 9). Pricing has also been revised to attract people from middle class and the strategy is complimented by moving its manufacturing and operational units in Asian countries to descend the production and distribution costs. Aggressive promotional strategy has been embraced by the company whilst targeting wide-ranging consumer base through effective marketing campaigns that are focussed on product features including CLS or Blue-Efficiency campaigns and on the other hand, marketing campaigns are exceedingly supported by comprehensive print, TV, online and media communications (Holweg, Disney, Hines, Naim 2005, p. 514).2.2 Case Study II Tesco Plc.Deeply penetrated within the competitive retailing sector in UK, Tesco celebrates its substantial existence by covering approximately 90% of UK market alone with an annual turnover of more than $1 billion which makes it the largest online grocer across the globe (Palmer 2005, p. 25). In accordance with the Nielsen/Netrating audience panel for September (2007), that investigated 25,000 demographically illustration households in the UK for the top supermarkets, Tesco leads the online market share by holding 27.1% followed by Asda, Sainsbury and Waitrose holding 10.1%, 6.9% and 4.2% shares respectively (Nielsen/Netrating 2007). On the other hand, Tesco was again spotted at the top position with 30.9% offline market share followed by Asda and Sainsbury having 16.9% and 16.4% shares respectively (Nielsen/Netrating 2007). The company principally deals with food and grocery items and has also diversified into non-food ranges including clothing, books, electronics, dieting clubs, flights and holidays, unison downloads, gas and electricity (Palm er 2005, p. 27). Asda, Sainsbury and Waitrose are the core competitors of the company.2.1 Analysing the Corporate Marketing Strategies remote others in UK, Tesco is the only retailer that has happyly managed to survive and expand in the contemporary globalised economies by maintaining its corporate strategy closely knitted by a six dimensional approach for enhanced growth in worldwide market (Data monitor 2003). Tesco embraces the strategy of designing its products by guardedly analysing the local market needs and remain increasingly adaptive to the environment of indigenous markets. Tesco believes in highly focussed and long-term strategies with multi-format approach and share knowledge structure. The most crucial aspect of its corporate strategy is the deployment of sequence and patience to build the pock image without being distracted by its growth pattern in its primary market. Followed by its corporate strategy of aggressively expanding in the international market, Tesco became the first UK retailer to break through the 2 billion profit barrier (Data monitor 2004). The marketing strategy of Tesco is highly innovative in terms of introducing reward points to the customers during shopping which can be later exchanged by valued products. In access to this, the company has significantly acknowledged the need for integrating e-technologies within its marketing campaigns and thereby, launched Tesco applications that has made its products instantly accessible to the targeted consumer base through mobile phones and also keep them updated with impudently deals and discounted offers (Data monitor 2004). Tesco diet is another interactive vane page which is meant to educate the consumers about healthy eating and thereby, unconsciously persuading them to buy the food items offered by the company. Tesco also improved its out-bound logistics by hiring cheerful and highly cooperative ply for online delivery orders, which serve as the face of the company and are also trained to market their products and new offers in a cataleptic manner (Kotler, Armstrong, Saunders and Wong 2001, p. 169). The company also employs print and electronic media for the marketing of its products and also utilises social networking websites and blogging as integral tools of promotions in the contemporary business world. The most significant aspect of Tescos marketing mix strategy is its personalisation strategy as the company has maintained a separate online marketing incision that is meant to send personalised messages via emails and sms to ensure that their customers never miss their latest offers and new products (Palmer 2005, p. 33).THEORETICAL JUSTIFICATIONS BASED ON CASE STUDIESOperation management is all about interlinking a wide-range of processes and procedures including manufacturing, distribution, marketing and all other significant methods to maximise sales and achieve core organisational objectives. Size and nature of business operations are extreme ly significant in terms of determining the operational, functional and transformational capacity (Handfield and Bechtel 2002, p. 371). This segment of the report is aimed to critically analyse the theories and concepts pertaining to operation management paradigm whilst analysing the capacity planning, supply chains, inventory control and total quality management in each of the selected organisations.3.1 Evaluating Supply Chains of Mercedes Tesco well-nigh knitted web of manufacturing, distribution and other production activities forms the supply chain of an organisation with intent to obtain the manufactured materials, modify them into finished products and distribute them in the targeted market in order to meet the consumers demand (Holweg, Disney, Hines and Naim 2005, p. 512). literary works suggests that business organisations can significantly benefit by creating four dimensional values in their supply chains including customers, planning and performances, processes and intang ible resources (Kaplan and Norton 2004, p. 102). Whilst give condense market segment, Mercedes has been focussed on creating value in its supply chain, primarily by embracing three main supply chain strategies including just-in-time, lean manufacturing and built-to-order strategy for a larger consumer base that is unwilling to look for two to 3 weeks delivery time thereby, enhancing customer satisfaction (Holweg et al 2005, p. 512). On the other hand, the company has also adopted a plan for catering lower-income customers by producing affordable car ranges and espousing cost-effective manufacturing process. Tesco has also been vigilantly focussing on creating value in their supply chains by low-cost leadership, synchronisation and lean thinking, employee-empowerment initiatives and customer-centric approach (Griffith 2002).Capacity Planning by Mercedes TescoThe continuously evolving business trends of contemporary globalised economies have made it extremely significant for the bu siness organisations to improve their aptitudes for capacity planning. Through capacity planning, organisations gather, maintain and analyse the optimum information regarding the utilisation of its tangible and intangible resources to meet and exceed their core organisational objectives (Anderson 2006, p. 93). However, it is crucially important to determine the investment funds required for capacity planning (Gox 2002, p. 62), as it has been studied that underinvestment in capacity can advantageously reduce revenues whereas, an overinvestment might result in excess capacity which may produce serious consequential effects on the fixed costs (Henderson and Cool 2003, p. 397). Mercedes has successfully employed capacity planning initiatives by look into North American region for the feasibility of producing luxury sports utility vehicle which significantly minimised combined labor, shipping, and components cost and further decrease the penalties associated with currency fluctuation s (Holweg, Disney, Hines, Naim, 2005, p. 518). On the other hand, Tesco expanded its order- impact capacity by foreseeing its rapidly growing online sales and integrated BizTalk system that process 5,000 orders per hour which remarkably enlarged performance efficiency without the need to expand hardware configuration and also reduced system maintenance costs (Norris 2007).Mercedes Tescos TQM StrategiesQuality has been recognised as the most critical element of the operation management and is considered to be a macro instruction function of organisations that has to be entrenched within the decision making process, parcelling of resources, definition of priorities and most importantly within service delivery (Bilich and Neto 2000, p. 5). It has also been studied, that survival of the organisations in the contemporary business world necessitates total quality management established at all levels (Djerdjour and Patel 2000, p. 26). Mercedes core organisational values firmly rely up on quality, safety and reliability however the companys image was seriously jeopardise when its position dropped to 26th spot in quality segment of auto manufacturing (Business Week 2003). It has been observed that the Mercedes significantly deviated from its core strategies and was more inclined towards innovation and technology which has awfully shaken its loyal consumer base indicating the unfavourable implications of undervaluing quality management approaches. The TQM strategy of Tesco is primarily focussed on two main areas including (i) process improvement by systemic approach and (ii) development and calibration of management systems for functional activities throughout the organisation (Delaney-Klinger, Boyer and Frohlich 2003, p. 187). By analysing the TQM strategy of two the organisations it can be instituted that the benefits of TQM can be maximised by entrenching it within the inwrought and external organisational processes, resources and facilities (Djerdjour and P atel 2000, p. 34).Mercedes Tescos Approach towards Inventory ControlThe role of inventory management is extremely significant as lower inventory levels can increase the transportation outlays followed by smaller and irregular loads. Business organisations can in effect reduce the costs to logistics through supply chain optimisation by planning to meet the demands of consumer base. It has been studied that ineffective routing and scheduling of orders can adversely influence transport costs (Cooke 2000). In accordance with its inventory management approach, Mercedes identified approximately 100 sites in 35 state of US which is closer to its primary market and since major part of its products were intended to exportation therefore, the company chose the sites near seaports, rail lines, and major highways to control the costs for transportation (Holweg, Disney, Hines, Naim 2005, p. 523). Studies suggest that transportation is the single most prominent cost social class in logistics wh ich can dramatically facilitate in cost rescue (Giblin 2001). On the other hand, Tesco being market leader of retail business in UK, necessitates embracing technological advancements in terms of maintaining its position within the extremely concentrate market. Therefore, Tesco has embraced smart shelf technology by adopting RFID system which enables the staff to locate the items in real-time and also improve the on-shelf approachability by timely replenishments thereby, saving time and costs for additional staff (Thomas 2003).APPLICATION EVALUATION OF OM THEORIES ON STRATEGIC MIXThis part of the report is aimed to highlight the strategic mix pertaining to the concepts and theoretical frameworks of operation management as applied on the competitiveness, innovation and sustainability of selected organisations. The effectiveness of operation management strategies is normally determined by evaluating the key factors like cost, quality, delivery and flexibility (Mills, Platts, Bourne and Richards 2002, p. 130) however, it is important to note that the contemporary business world that has now change state from the limitations of geographical boundaries needs the integration of advanced technological solutions to stand-out in the global markets (Khamalah and Lingaraj 2007, p. 976).4.1 CompetitivenessMercedes manufactures high-valued and technically advanced cars by particularly focussing on the development of car engines and producing wide-ranging transport facilities from cars to jeeps and other commercial vehicles which enables the company to cater almost every segment of the market. Merger of European and American companies makes Mercedes well acquainted by the consumer markets belonging to two different tastes and purification (Elvin, Hendricks and Singhal 2001, p. 274). The company continues its competitiveness by its remarkable supply change management as it maintains close ties with its key suppliers for instance, during the worldwide fiscal turmoil in ea rly nineties when organisations were obligated to negotiate pricing strategy, it was quiet obvious that both the company and its suppliers shared equivalent dependability on each other (Hayes, Pisano, Upton and Wheelwright 2005, p. 133). Despite of operating in a highly concentrated market, Tesco has achieved a leading position as the company has radically improved its operation management strategies by adopting lower pricing and domineering quality control through compensating full costs of the product, if found discredited (Tesco 2010). The company also maintains its competitiveness by proffering secure transaction opportunities in case of online shopping, timely delivery of products at the door-step and efficient staff that is adequately trained to offer excellent customer services.4.1 InnovationMercedes allocates a humungous investment of more than $47billion on its research and development which substantiates its organisational objectives to meet and exceed the consumers expec tations pertaining to advanced technology and innovative solutions. The company is also exhibiting keen interest in developing contemporary designs within competitive price whilst maintaining its assertive and risk-taking behaviour which indicates its thirst for improved quality in its products and services (Kaynak 2003, p. 426). The innovativeness of products characterised by piano tuner frequency identification system of tagging its products or advanced data processing system Tesco exhibits its commitment to enhance the consumer buying experience through innovation (Norris 2007). By introducing highly interactive and advantageous innovations like Tesco club cards, Tesco applications, lecture Tesco and Tesco diet the company has notably penetrated within diversified consumers market segments.4.3 SustainabilityThe strong market presence characterised by more than 25-30 dealerships in each of its operational territories, Mercedes ensures that its within the consumers reach (Bilich and Neto 2000, p. 7). In addition to this, a luxurious brand image of Mercedes along with its quality standards, enhanced security and tremendous reliability for many years has established a loyal consumer base. The company principally operates in economies of scale and as the level of sales rises the unit cost decreases which substantially circumvent the threats of new entrants in the market thereby, accentuating its long-term sustainability (Bilich and Neto 2000, p. 13). On the other hand, Tesco has not refrained from diversifying into non-food categories and has expanded its operations into other market segments including clothing, electronics, financing and others which determines that the company has the aptitude to take risk and maintain its survival on long-term basis. Tesco maintains a strong brand value which has been indicated by its tremendous rise in profitability by 78% through successful operations in Europe, Asia and Ireland (Usunier 2000, p. 177).CONCLUDING REMARKSTh e report has critically appraised on the theoretical frameworks pertaining to operation management by explicating its key components including inventory control, supply chains, capacity planning and total quality management. Case studies of one manufacturing company i.e. Mercedes and one service-based company i.e. Tesco have been profoundly investigated to evaluate the impacts of operation management theories and application on the innovation, competitiveness and sustainability of these organisations. To conclude, it can be stated that both Mercedes and Tesco are market leaders within their territories and the analytical report suggests that their success lies within their strategic deployment of operational and functional processes.

Saturday, March 30, 2019

International Terrestrial Cable in Bangladesh

world(pre n unrivaledinal) Terrestrial seam in BangladeshChapter 1 Introduction1.1 Introduction of the reputeThe mesh has become an essential part of human life as it is the main mode of communicating now a days. Internet is the middleman up computer network where billions of devices ar connected through the backbone of ocular networking technologies in modern days. My interest was to observe the rapid using of this communication mode and for this I have studied the opthalmic transmission and networking systems and polar protocols by working as an intern in the no(prenominal) department of 1 Asia alinement confabulation Ltd. Finally I have make a report of whatever I have learnt throughout my 3 months eagle-eyed internship program.1.2 Reason for selecting the specific industryTelecommunication is growing with the vast engross of internet in Bangladesh. The introduction of ocular role transmission both(prenominal) in submarine and terrestrial over satellite communic ation made it easy to spread the global connectivity throughout the major cities in Bangladesh. 1 Asia Alliance discourse Ltd. is one out of six companies which has the ITC license. Thus it serves as a domestic internet upstream for all the major ISP, IIG and IGW companies in Bangladesh using its terrestrial optic transmission technology. To better understand the ocular transmission system and the IP network system it was the best extract to join as an intern in a association same(p) 1 Asia Alliance parley Ltd.1.3 Purpose of the InternshipTo fulfill the requirements for the degree of the bachelor-at-arms of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering.To see the practical implementation of what was studied during the university program.To learn how a telecom company operates its technical functions.To make recommendations on the basis of the look at done.1.4 Methods of Collecting selective trainingThe selective information for making this report was collected in many wa ys. indigenous info, as well as secondary selective information for end the task of report writing about this internship were employmentd. Some of the methods which argon used are discussed below.Use of Primary DataPrimary Data which were used for completing the report are as followsSelf-observationDiscussions with the officersInformal interview from the customersUse of Secondary DataSecondary Data which were used for completing the report are as follows1 Asia Alliance communicating Ltd. leaflet1 Asia Alliance Communication Ltd. websitesSeveral articles on the internet link with the field of weigh query reports of several(prenominal) authors related with the field of fieldChapter 2 terra firmas2.1 Background of ITC and IIG in Bangladesh planetary Terrestrial Cable (ITC) instrumentIn 2006 the internet of Bangladesh has been connected to the world by a integrity submarine cable, Sea-Me-We 4 (SMW4). SMW4 is 18,800 kilometer- vast ocular- grapheme system and its landing st ation of Bangladesh is at follows Bazar. Since SMW4s activation, national Internet outages have struck Bangladesh in regular basis. When any portion of this opthalmic fiber system is damaged, it germinates gigantic time for tutelage and frankincense virtually all internet bandwidth of Bangladesh disappears,pushing local internet providers to retreat to slow and expensive satellite services or to simply wait for restoration.A 20,000 km long secondary optical fiber system SMW5 is under construction and the landing port in Bangladesh will be at Mongla The SMW5 consortium signed the construction and maintenance agreement on March 7, 2014. But the complexation will take long time. In the meantime, major disruptions of Bangladeshs Internet service continue to occur.The be after maintenances and failures in SMW4 system make all understood that how susceptible Bangladeshs internet connectivity really is. These events thus encourage the Bangladesh Telecommunications Regulatory Commissi on (BTRC) to take substitute measures. In 2012, the BTRC issued licenses to six companies to connect to India via the International Terrestrial Cable (ITC).The six International Terrestrial Cable (ITC) operators are1Asia Alliance Communication Ltd.,Novocom LimitedBD Link Communication Ltd.,Mango Teleservices Ltd.,Summit Communications Ltd., andemailprotected Limited.This inception of an operational terrestrial connection to India to serve as an alternative to SMW4 is a great achievement for Bangladeshs telecommunication sphere of influence. Currently these six ITC operators are connected to Tata Communications and Bharti Airtel via Benapole TCLS.International Internet accession (IIG) operatorThe telecom sector in Bangladesh is rapidly exposing. Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (BTRC) is the regulatory authority for this sector. In 2007 BTRC offer the license forInternational Internet Gateway (IIG) and from so number of IIG operators grow in this clownish. Cur rently there are 36 licensed IIG operators in Bangladesh. Few Major International Internet Gateway (IIG) operators are1Asia Alliance Communication Ltd.Aamra CompaniesAbir TelecommunicationApple CommunicationBangla send for LtdbdHUBBD Link CommunicationBSCCLBTCLCybergateDelta InfocomEarth TelecommunicationEquitel CommunicationsFiber home(a)Global Fair CommunicationsGreenland TechnologiesIntraglobe CommunicationsLevel3 CarrierMango TeleservicesMaxNet OnlineNovoCom bright Communications LimitedREGO CommunicationsIIGs in Bangladesh serve as a gateway for routing International incoming and outgoing Internet establish data traffic additionally working as a national internet exchange (NIX) for exchanging national internet- found data traffic.Most of the gateways are connected with rurals sole submarine cable SMW4 as their main link and with the satellite earth station/VSAT as back up until a nonher(prenominal) submarine cable SMW5 is available. When ITC operators in Bangladesh were int roduced these IIG companies started using ITC services as an alternative to SMW4. BTRC has made a rule that all ISPs in Bangladesh shall be connected to global internet through these IIGs.IIG operators mainly provide their services to the ISPs, carriers and vast corporations of the country. They use extensive local and international internet peering and transit. Even IIGs are interconnected with national IX (Internet Exchange) BDIX and several international IX thus their customers can access all global internet routes through the stripped-down number of hops. These operators give their customers the choice to subscribe the bandwidth based on the terminal of their traffic. Their goal is to reduce network traffic congestion and maintain shorter latency.2.2 Background of the companyAbout the company1Asia Alliance Communication Limited (1AACL) is a joint venture company formed between Alliance Holdings Limited, Bangladesh and 1Asia Communication (BD) Ltd. It is a sister concern of ca pital of Singapore based 1Asia Communication Pte. Ltd. The company was formed by a group of NRBs with over 20 age experience in the telecommunications business.The company carries the licenses from BTRC to provide ITC and IIG services to its clients in Bangladesh. 1AACL is in addition the first ITC operator in Bangladesh. Since its birth, 1AACL has established enormous footprints in the ICT sector of the country. It is running parallel with the countrys drive towards digitalization and eminenter(prenominal) internet penetration.The ITC project of 1AACL brings a much undeniable backup for to the countrys lone submarine cable SMW4. The company offers its services to several ISPs, IGWs, IIGs, and corporate clients across the country.LicensesIIG License awarded on 12/04/2012, commercially started on 01/10/2012ITC License awarded on 05/01/2012, commercially started on 12/12/2012ServicesIPLC/MPLSIP TransitSatellite BW serviceManaged data network serviceVPN serviceCo-location serviceCl ient typesIIGsISPsIGWsEnterprise customersInternational PoPs (Point of Presence)ChennaiMumbaiEquinix Building, SingaporeEpsilon Global Hub, London60 Hudson Street, NYLocal PoPsHQ-Alliance Building, capital of BangladeshColoasia-Borak tower, DhakaChittagong-Akhtaruzzaman Center, AgrabadBenapole-Chowdhury Super Market, Zero Point, Check Post, BenapoleTechnology PartnersTata Communication LtdBharti AirtelTISChunghwaEquinix-IXSG-IXLevel3CogentGoogleTimeline of foundation2012 to 20131AACL head quarter setupBenapole POP setupITC backhaul setup1Asia Alliance own WDM meshworkSecondary ITC interlocking SetupTertiary ITC Network SetupInterconnection Equinix, SingaporeInterconnection TATA, Chennai MumbaiInterconnection Airtel, ChennaiInterconnection TIS, Singapore2013 to 2014Chittagong fling off SetupPop at ColoAsia, DhakaLondon Pop SetupPeering with Google, Facebook, MicrosoftInterconnection Epsilon GH, LondonInterconnection Level3 CogentInterconnection Equinix-IX SG-IX2014 to indicat eNew York, USA Pop SetupDepartmentsAdministrationAccountsMarketinggross revenueLogisticsHRTechnical transmission, IP Core, Service Deli rattling , NOCStrengthITC Backhaul Systems (Dhaka- Benapole)Primary ITC Network 1Asia Alliances Own System WDM network with 8 Lamda capacitySecondary ITC Network emailprotected /SwappingTertiary ITC Network ITC Consortium/metropolis CellNumber Of ITC Operators in Connection 06Cisco 12000 Series Flagship Routers as Core Aggregation EquipmentFull Routing TABLE Implementation Auto cast OverRouting Through ITC with different upstream carrierSwitch inhabit Level Redundancy in National SegmentInternational PoPs at Chennai, Mumbai, Singapore, London, New YorkNative IPv6 Peering (Upstreams Major Players)Direct Peering, Impressive RTD2.3 Background study on query papersResearch Paper 1 title of respect soliton Transmission in Fiber opthalmics for Long Distance CommunicationAuthors Mehul G.Patel (1), S. B. khant (2)Affiliation PG Student SPC, Dept. of ECE, A.D.Patel Institute of Technology,V.U.Nagar,Gujarat, India (1) , Assistant professor, Dept. of ECE, A.D.Patel Institute of Technology, V.U.Nagar,Gujarat, India (2)Research puzzle The seek discusses the reasons for the limit in information carrying capacity of optical communication systems.Research Methodology or blast QuantitativeResearch resolving power and Results Soliton based optical fiber communication systems are to a greater extent(prenominal) suitable for long haul communication because of their very high information carrying capacity and repeater less transmission.CommentsThe research paper highlights one of the all-important(prenominal) weakness of optical fiber communication in long distance. In that respect the research problem is a good one.The research methodological analysis is quantitative. But it could be better if more practical surveys were implemented.The solving shows the numeral resultant of the problem. But it could be better if some practica l result/evidence was shown.Strengths vs. Weaknesses The discussion on the current problem in optical transmission is the strength of this research. But the result showing only mathematical solution is the weakness.Opportunities Advantages and disadvantages of optical fiber communication, Dispersion PhenomenonReferences1 Gerd Keiser, ocular Fiber Communications, 4thedition, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2008.2 http// R. Gangwar, S. P. Singh, and N. Singh, Soliton based optical communication,Progress In Electromagnetics Research, PIER 74, 157166,2007.4 Akira Hasegawa, Soliton-based ultra-high speed optical communications, Vol. 57, Nos5 6-journal of physics Nov. Dec. 2001.5 Opsim-appnotes.pdf.6 R. Ganapathy, K. Porsezian, A. Hasegawa, Life Fellow, IEEE, and V. N. Serkin,Soliton Interaction Under Soliton Dispersion Management,IEEE journal of quantum electronics, Vol. 44, NO. 4, April 2008.7 David S. Ricketts, Member, IEEE, Xiaofeng Li, Student Member, IEEE, On the Self-Generati on of galvanic Soliton thumps, IEEE journalof solid-state circuits, Vol. 42, NO. 8, August 2007.8 Yang Jing Wen and Xiang Lin Yang,Senior Member, IEEE, Quasi-Transform-Limited Pulse Transmission in Dispersion Managed SolitonSystem, IEEE photonics technology letters, Vol. 11, NO. 4, April 1999.9 Kuppusamy Porsezian, Ramanathan Ganapathy, Akira Hasegawa, Life Fellow, IEEE, and Vladimir N. Serkin, Nonautonomous SolitonDispersion Management, IEEE journal of quantum electronics, vol. 45, no. 12, December 2009.10 Hiroyuki Toda, Katsuyuki Mino, Yuji Kodama, Akira Hasegawa, Life Fellow, IEEE, and Peter A. Andrekson, Member, IEEE, Member,OSA,Influence of Noise in Optical Pulse Source on Soliton Transmission, journal of lightwave technology, vol. 17, no. 6, June 1999.Research Paper 2Title Optical Fiber base Communication NetworkAuthors Dr. Dharamvir SinghAffiliation Assistant Professor, Ch. Devi Lal University, Sirsa-125055 (Haryana) IndiaResearch Problem This research discuss about the di fferent technologies used in the fiber based communication network. It also counselinges the advantages of newly developed technology over the established ones.Research Methodology or Approach CorrelationResearch declaration and Results The physics of the optical fibers are discussed here and it points to a solution that proficient revolution of fiber optic communication is happening due to the development of capacity increasing methods and the introductions of high speed devices.CommentsThe research paper discusses the very basic requirements for an optical fiber communication. It is very helpful to understand the optical fiber communication technology at a glanceThe research methodology is correlative. And it is a better method to show the advantages of new technology over the existing one.The research does not reflect to any quick solution for a particular problem rather it describes the different aspects of the optical fiber communication.Strengths vs. Weaknesses The discuss ion on the different technology used in optical fiber communication is the strength of this research. But it does not focus to any specific problem which needs to solved which is its weaknessOpportunities Transmission Windows, Attenuation, Transmitters, ReceiversReferences1 S.G. Karshenboim, Fundamental physical constants looking fromdifferent angles, Can. J. Phys. 83, 767-811, (2005).2 S. M. Foreman, K. W. Holman, D. D. Hudson, D. J. Jones, and J. Ye,Remote transfer of ultrastable relative frequency references via fibernetworks, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 78, 021101 (2007).3 C. Daussy, O. Lopez, A. Amy-Klein, A. Goncharov , M. Guinet, C.Chardonnet, F. Narbonneau, M. Lours, D. Chambon, S. Bize, A.Clairon, G. Santarelli, M.E. Tobar and A.N. Luiten, Long-DistanceFrequency Dissemination with a Resolution of 10-17, Phys. Rev. Lett.94, 203904 (2005).4 Alwayn, Vivek, fibreoptic Technologies. Cisco Systems, 12- 31(2006).5 S. M. Foreman, K. W. Holman, D. D. Hudson, D. J. Jones, and J. Ye,Remote t ransfer of ultrastable frequency references via fibernetworks, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 78, 021101 (2007).Research Paper 3Title Next Gen. Dense Wavelength Division MultiplexingAuthors Shaikh Bilal Anees (1) Sameer Khan (2), Shah Akhtar Ali (3)Affiliation Electronics Telecom Dept. AIKTC, Mumbai University, India, (1), (2), (3)Research Problem The existing DWDM system does not meet the current bandwidth requirements of the corporate, which is up to 1Tb/s. In this research it broadly describes the advantages of the next generation DWDM over the existing system and how it can meet the required demand. It also describes the other possible solutions.Research Methodology or Approach Meta-analysisResearch Solution and Results The research ends with two solutions. One solution is to use the modulation technique RZ-DPSK over long haul systems. Second one is the utilization of DCFCommentsThis paper discusses several options to increase the capacity of optical fiber transmission over long haul. It c ould be better if some more studies are put into this.The research methodology is meta-analysis. It relates all the possible solution to come up with the goal of this research, and for this it is the successful approach.The research comes up with a good solution.Strengths vs. Weaknesses Its focus on the recent development to transmit high capacity data is its strength. Few more studies like the modulations techniques could be described, which is its weakness.Opportunities The ideas of DWDM, faint-hearted Sources and Detectors, Optical Fiber DistortionReferences1 Muralikrishna Gandluru Optical Networking And Dense Wavelenght Devision Multiplexing (DWDM)-.2 Biswanath Mukherjee WDM Optical Communication Networks Progress and Challenges-.3 Introduction to DWDM Technology by Cisco ltd .4 Fibre Optic Essentials by Casimer M. DeCusatis and Carolyn J. Sher DeCusatis .5 Optical Fibers and RF A Natural Combination by Malcolm Romeiser .6 New functionalities for advanced optical interfaces (Di spersion compensation) byKazuo Yamane Photonic systems development dept. FUJITSU.7 I. P. Kaminow, et al, A Wideband All-Optical WDM Network-, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, Vol.14, No. 5, June 1996, pp. 780 799.)8 Melin, B., Laguna, M., and Moreno, J.A., Capacity expansion of fiber optic networks with WDM systems Problem formulation and comparative analysis, Computers and Operations Research, 31(3) (2004) 461-472.9 E. Lowe, Current European WDM Deployment Trends, IEEE Communications Magazine, Feburary 1998, pp. 46-50.

Wipro BPO, India: Organisational Behaviour Case Study

Wipro BPO, India Organisational Behaviour Case translateScope-This appellative talks close to the different concepts and ideas in giving medicational demeanour and how they send packing be procedured to purify the break d possessing style of to days organizations. This assignment porees on the WIPRO BPO India Limited and discuss about how the train of organizational doings atomic number 50 be apply to the organizational operations of WIPRO BPO. This report ordain concenter on the various concepts in organizational behaviour such as want and management and their application in WIPRO BPO.LIMITATIONS-This assignment does not c everyplace all the key concepts in the study of organizational attend to and as s headspring as while using some of the key concepts for WIPRO BPO we get do some assumptions in the analysis.FINDINGS-The Wipro BPO is a brand denote in market place and is a reput satisf re reasonory comp whatever. Through its innovations and various o ther excogitations and measures it is adequate to change its organizations working environs, style and surgical process over the yrs. Wipro BPO has made pulmonary tuberculosis of engineering and innovation along with hold inership and motivation in guild to upraise better results in ad hominem credit line. Wipro has al vogues tried to work hard to lead proficient pedestal, working environment, exploit upth opportunities and decentralized communication mingled with the f number and the lower staff in order to provide a better, flourishing and happy working environment where its employees quite a little grow, innovate and excel. We can impinge on this effort of Wipro in its various nurture course of studys, eccentric of life that it provides and its focus on providing support for wealth, health and family issues of its employees.INTRODUCTION-Business process outsourcing stemma is one and solo(a) of the approximately successful and sportingest growing dr amaturgy in the learning technology technical indus picture of India. As the trace suggests in work organization process outsourcing the business or some part of the business such as accounting, hold roll, customer good etc is outsourced or being progress to over to other company which piddle the expertise to practise that peculiar(prenominal) assess to a greater extent efficiently and at competitive prices.BPO is becoming really popular in todays business world as it swear outs to decrease the work load on a company at the same prison term helps the company to stick out that task done much(prenominal) efficiently in turn increasing the action of the business. There atomic number 18 several reasons for the popularity and wangle up in the part of business process outsourcing worldwide. Primarily the companies focus on how to extend the be realiseance of the diverse sections of the business which shoots to be looked upon in order to cleanse the overall ac tionance of the company rather thusly and outsourcing the business for cost cutting or load diminution . The other reason for why companies opt for outsourcing is that in this competitive business environment as companies grow the requirement of resources and expertise likewise maturations in order to cope up with growth and to carry on the arrangeance and further break it. The lack of skillful multitude to perform a task can in like manner be a reason for the outsourcing. at long last the improvements and developments in the telecommunication and IT industry has made it possible to outsource the business in this globalized business world.the benefits of outsoucing be as follows-increase the efficiency decline in duties and load by outsourcing the non-core rangeions of businesssaves judgment of conviction,money ,man effect and operating expenditures.Reduce risksbetter quality od skilfull labour and servicesGives time to emphasise on core functions of the business what ever of the most greenness outsourced functions of a business atomic number 18-Technical supportData entry/selective schooling processingpayrollAccountingCustomer servicetelemarketingindia is the fastest growing verdant in field of bpo industry as it has the plus point of skilfull labour,good infrastructure and the time difference with respect to the developed countries standardized USA AND UK out-of-pocket to which Indian companies can work in night for these countries. major players in BPO industry in India atomic number 18 WIPRO,DAKSH,CONVERGYS etc..Wipro was started in 1945 and got in IT business in 1980.Wipro is listed inMumbai linage exchangeNational stock exchangeNewyork stock exchangeWipro bpo is a fast growing company which matches innovation with beefy action in providing IT en competentd services to other countriesWipro has a work bear on of tenthousand associates of much than then(prenominal) seventy unlike fieldities and has more than 72 global branches i n over 55 countries catering the business wants of other companies.Wipro has a stong RD department .it is first in the world which has the certification of SEI CMM of Level 5.With the help of resources and expertise wipro has immerged as a giant in innovating technology with somewhat one hundered thirty six patents registered on its name.Wipro understand the importance of of importtained customers in doing a successful business and withits hardwork and focus towards its customer it is able to acquire a mark of rough 95 part of its sum of money earnings from its retained customers.It provides service in different countries such asUSAEUROPECHINAWipro bpo provides different services-Customer serviceBack end office service for transactionsMOTIVATION AND ITS orbitThe researchers pitch made use of variety of concepts/theories/ideas/ copys to study this vast field of motivation with respect to the organizational deportment in companies.motivatin can be defined as to excite the mass to focus and apply their eeforts to their surpass in order progress to a finical in this fast growing world of competition and globalization on that point is an grand need for managers to have a knowledge of various theories and knowledge og organizational look and how to take a crap use of them in order to improve the performance of organization.the performance of an organization majorly figures on the work organization can excel without a skillfull tire out though it has other resources available such as a good infastructuer and technology etc because at the end of the day tits being used by the workforce who ar existently red to asseverate the output.thus there is a great need for the workforce to be motivated so that they dont well-off their focus and apply best of their effort in order to produce better result and enhace the performance of an organization.few of the most coomonly used motivational theories comes from the need theories wh ich discuss and sheds light on the necessitate of the nation and the conditions and the trend in which they want the needfully to be sic up.The need hypothesis comprises of the Maslows power structure of call for theory and it explains the five-spot types of demand in a pyramid put with the introductory needs at the lower end and then it moves upwardly covering the more complicated needs of tidy sum such as social, pledge, hatch and sef genuineization needs. So basically if a persons different needs volition be sueed then the person go excessneous be more commodious and feel secure and happy and pass on be able to focus his mind more on the work because he leave behind be free from these basic problems and thus the worker exit be able to perform efficiently and optimally.the lower end of the maslows needs hierarchy model basically discusses and focus on the physiological needs of slew such as food,shelter and clothing.once these needs ar fulfilled then pe ople want that they should achieve respect and recognization in the society. Maslows theory thinks that the fulfillment of the basic needs of peope has the graduate(prenominal)est motivating emf to drive the people to perform and achieve them.There is some other researcher alderfers who proposed ERG theory.this theory does not disuss the five needs to define the motivation plainly instead has a thre stage model covering the sideline needs-Existence needs-these be the needs which avenge a particular condition for an individual.Growth needs-these atomic number 18 the needs which found satis featureion to an individual by participation,association and contri notwithstandingion.Relatedness needs-these needs satisfy the people by communication.In the maslows hierarchy the basic needs are most beta and most desired and must be fulfilled for the satisfaction of the people only as we move upwars in the hierarchy there are other needs which if fulfilled go forth be greatly com prehended by the people.Expectany theoryAnother motivation theory is known as expectancy theory where we define expectations for the events to occur.this is done to create an interest in minds of people and to attract them.this work as a brainish force for the people in order to r each(prenominal) to some decided goal and in order to create some change, which lead act a s motivator to perform in order to achieve it in real..Motivation here can be defined as comprised of-VALENCE-it can be defined as making people understand what is the progeny or the value they are going to getEXPECTANCY-This is to make people feel that they are capable of performing a task.INSTRUMENTALITY-This is to make people feel that if people pull up s blasts perform the task in a desired personal manner they bequeath be able to get the outcome. oddment theoryIn this theory we set certain goals for an individual which act as a challenge for them and act as driving force to push them to workhard and achiev e them.These can be of 2 types-1 directing goal-here the individual is motivated to perform by telling them reason and the elan to perform.2 accuracy goal-here the individual is motivated to perform in most accurate personal manner and this is used when stake of inaccuracy is high.SCIENTIFIC MANAGEMENT S AND ITS BACKGROUNDTAYLOR(1856-1915)Scientific management was invented by taylor.he introduced the use of fillips which can be used as driving and motivating force.he saw that if people are resultn reenforcements or incentives for performing their task then they take more interest and give their best efforts to fulfill the task.His study was comprised of the managing skills blended with his personal experience of working in the organizations.he emphasized on use of scientific draw near to solve he problems encountered in practically managing the organization.his study was focused on the incentive as a input to drive people to put effort in performing the task.Managers now a days still follow the studies carried by tailor and think that his techniques of measuring task and incentive has a positive jar on the work culture.taylor judgment that people not able to perform efficiently is a common thing and it happens a lot but unnecessary usage of time and unplanned use of resources resulting in no output is inexcusable.Around 20 century taylor proposed the concept of scientific management.taylor gave it the name scientific management collectible to the following reasons-Taylor thought that all the different locomote to be performed for the performance task should be carefully examined and any redundant and avoidable actions in the process should be excluded.we should check and note the improvement in the end product process.We should checkout how long the tasks left ordain take to get completed. afterward the outcomes should be checked in order to know how long each task has taken to get processed and as per these findings we should renumerate and p unish the faster and slower staff correspondingly.We should adopt and apply such practices in order to improve the performance of the staff and the product process.The study was applied in different production companies and it was noted that their was great improvement in the production process.NEO-HUMAN RELATIONS AND ITS BACKGROUNDIn the concept of Neo-human relation managers try to frame a persona touch with the staff in order to motivate then to perform well and achieve the desired goal. Contrary to the scientific management progress where there is no personal touch and the foreplay is if u perform well you go away be recognized and rewarded but if you fail to perform the task and achieve the desired goal then you forget be penalized.Neo-human relations show is one of the most wide used approach now a days by the managers to improve the organization this approach managers try to focus on fulfilling the needs of their employees in order to make them satisfied and happy,so that they can focus on the main accusatory of the company and perform at their best to achieve that goal.this approach focus on fulfilling all the necessary needs of the people wish well physiological, financial needs etc.the human relation to a fault emphasized on the arguments,thinking and attitudes of the work group.McGregor proposed the theory X and Y, Maslow theory of needs and motivation theory proposed by Herzberg.who emphasized on the higeine ciphers are some of the theories that addup to the research and study of the concept of neo-human relations in organizational behavior.McGregor theory X and Y has the following assumptionsTheory X assumed-People who are average dont like workPeople are lazyThey try to stay away from workThey need to be supervised.Theory y assumed-people are innovativepeople want accountabilitypeople can hap themselvesif they are led free to perform they can use their potential and cook up their capability and worth.Maslow theory divi des the needs of a person into five categories which are the physiological,social,safety and security,self esteem and self actualization.he believed that if these needs will be fulfilled then the worker will feel satisfied and inturn will perform to achieve these needs.Herzberg proposed the dickens component parts theory.he carried an experiment to examine the attitudes,thinking and behavior of people when they were asked about how they feel at work and the reason for their behavior.From this experiment whe concluded a two factor theory1 hygiene factorsThis includes-working environmentsupervisorspolicies of the companypay and wages2 Motivation factorThis incudes-rewardsopportunities to growthe work itselfresponsibilitiesrecognizationthe neo-relations along with the scientific management approach has given a new way of improving the organizational behavior and inturn the performance of the organizationScientific management and Wipro BPO-The scientific management approach regards t hat every worker can be motivated by rewards and penalities depending on their performance.wipro bpo has to a fault followed this approach and taken different steps,plans and measures in order to apply this approach to improve the performance and excessively to create a fair deal for the workers that if they perform well then its their benefit because they will receive promotions,rewards and recognition in the company and if they will underperform or do not perform then they should be penalized and the severity of the penality depends on the take aim they have as well benefits the company because the good performers will help the company to perform well and achieve its objectives and the underperformers will get punishments such as they have to sustain special training or special superintendence or have to work for exceptional time in order to pay for their falt or in some cases will have to resign and leave the company.This will help the underperformers to i mprove them and become better performers and contribute to achieve the objective of the company and increase its performance and in case they are futile to improve them after the efforts and the special attention given to them then in that case the companies will throw these underperformers and will get rid of the rewards and penalties will act as a stimulant drug to motivate people to focus on their line of credit objective and to perform well.Wipro bpo has also added certain plans which are benefitial for the employer as well as for the company.the company has introduced various types of rewards and certain guidelines which the employer have to follow and have to fulfill those conditions in order to achieve them.Some of these incentives which are added to the organizational plan of the wipro bpo are mentioned below-1 Attendence incentive- Wipro bpo has introduced a unique and an effective scheme of attendance incentive which will reward the worker as per their punctuali ty and geometrical regularity in the work.since we know that the regularity of the worker is very important for the company to get the tasks done and thus by this measure Wipro Bpo is able to achieve the unity of regularity of its the stimulus which motivate the workers to come regularly is the attendance incentive or the extra pay that they can earn.once they start coming regularly by the motivation and driving force they have recieved done this plan of attendance incentive,it will become a habit for them to become regular and punctual in their work.this will help wipro to improve its work culture.2 processed ground performance pay- Wipro has adopted another plan of processed found incentive pay wherein it provides a fair chance to the working staff to perform well and become eligible for this processed based performance the stimulus which drive the workers to perform well is the extra salary they are going to receive if they will perform the com pany also keeps in mind that it gives the basic salary to the workers in case they are not able to perform well or underperform.this will fulfill the basic needs of the workers but at the same time when the other workers will get the reward of this extra salary for their good performance then it will create an environment of competition between the various workers and therefor to achieve the PBPP and in urge of competing with the other employees the worker will try to give his best in order to perform well and this will inturn improve the performance of the company.3 Productivity linked incentive-This is another incentive plan where in the worker recives the reward in the form of extra pay if he will perform which proves to be productive i.e his performance will earn profit for the also the stimulus or the motivating factor is to achieve this incentive by performing well which will inturn increase the productivity of the company.The other measures taken by the Wipro bpo is special training to the underperformers.for example-if you are a telecaller associate and you are otiose to perform well in taking your call then wipro bpo will have a command on you and your team leader will pay attention to you and will also inform you that your performance is going down and will guide you and give you time to improve and prove case you are unable to improve and consistentaly keep on underperforming then you will be place off calls either partially like for few hours of your whole respite or fully based on the level of your underperformance and then will be given special training to improve yourself where you are lagging.incase you are unable to perforam after so much efforts from the company then you are pur on probation conclusion for three months and if there will be extra requirement in the other processes of the company and if company thinks that you are adequate to work in that process then the company will take you in,otherwise you hav e to leave the company at the end of the mentioned probation period.The other steps taken by the company includes the promotions and to be eligible to get promoted you have to perform to a certain required level.thus the promotion act as a driving force to motivate the workers to perform well to overturn their desired position and to get the recognition they always wanted.this also helps the workers to fulfill their higher(prenominal) level needs such as self esteem,self actualization. so we can see that here the wipro has used the system of rewards and penalities and has followed the taylors scientific approach of management in order to improve its performance.MOTIVATION AND WIPRO BPO-Wipro bpo has also followed different theories of motivation in order to motivate the workers to perform well.this can be seen in its thinking which it call as the spirit of wipro and also the quality of life, go and growth opportunities and the attention it gives regarding the issues related to the health and family of it employees.we have canvas different theories of motivation and now we will find how wipro has made use of them to increase the performance and efficiency of its organization.Wipro gives a good salary and a working environment as well as security of task to its discussed earlier there are several incentives based on the way you perform in spite of appearance the organization.the company also has introduced various rewards and recognition inside the organization which are also achievable if you perform well at heart the organization.thus wipro is able to fufill the lowerlevel as well as the higher level needs of its employees.According to the maslows theory of motivation he has categorized the various needs of the workers into the higher and lower level needs.the lower level needs includes phsycological needs(food,shelterand clothing),safety needs and security needs.wipro is able to fulfill these need as dicussed above by providing salary.incent ives and job security to its employees.the higher level needs are self esteem and self actualization and for this purpose wipro offers various rewards,recognization and growth opportunities wherein one can perform and prove his worth and abilities.according to maslow once these needs are fulfilled,workers feels satisfied and to achive them they perform at their best..thus this will act as a driving force or stimulus which will led the workers perform well.In this way wipro has followed the maslows hierarchy of needs to imrove the organizational behavior and the performance of the organization.According to Herzberg two factor theory which has been discussed earlier in this assignment,he has divided the theory in two parts-1 hygiene factors2 motivation factorsNow the wipro bpo has also taken certain steps and measures to fufill these factors.wipro bpo provides a good infrastructure,facilities and working environment to its employees which includes- 24 hour cafeteria,gym,pickup and dro p facilities.concierge desk,online HR help,recreation facilities etc.wipro bpo is a brand name ,a big global company which has a good business reputation,thus it provides a sence of job security to its employees.companies do business globally all over world and to maintain its standards the company has some strict policies and quality also focus on providing health facilities such as dr max onsite(an onsite service by the doctors),mediclaim and accident also provides knowledgable and experience supervisors and trainers who help the employees to improve their performance.thus by giving all these provisions wipro is able to focus on the fulfillment of the hygiene factors of the Herzberg two factor theory of motivation.wipro also focus on providing good and handsome salaries to its employees along with rewards and recognition based on the way the employee performs.wipro provides multiple growth opportunities through its various programs like ST EP,wings within and career also has a provision of inhouse education initiative through its program called seed.wipro has introduced performance management system and employee engagement program wherein one gets an prospect of advancement and feeling of responsibility.wipro also provides different trainings(from new hire training to development training).with all these plans and provision wipro is able to fufill the motivation factors of the Herzberg two factor this way Wipro BPO has applied the herzbergs two factor theory to inprove the organizational behavior and its performance.CONCLUSION-We have discussed various concepts of organizational behavior and how these studies can be applied to improve the performance of an organization.toaday inthis modern world of business most of the companies make use on these concepts of organizational behavior to improve their efficiency and output.We have dicussed the three main concepts in detail which are motivation , scie ntific management approach and the noe-relations approach.we have find that this concepts contribute in their own way to the betterment of the organizations behavior and performance,which has been discussed in detail above.we have also seen that one of a veru successful company and big brand name in the business process outsourcing industry,Wipro BPO has been successful in making use of these concepts and theories and able to get benefit out of it.thus it is proved that to run the organizations successfully and to become a successful manager one should have ambiguous knowledge and apprehension of the different concepts and studies carried in the field of organizational behavior and how to apply them to improve the performance and efficiency of the organization.The Media insurance coverage Of abuseThe Media Reporting Of evilIf criminal offence has fallen to such an extent why is it that media inform of disgust levels indicate that the opposite is the case and what impact does that have on common perceptions of partnership safetyThe stand office has been publishing statistics on offense for over 150 years. Until the 1980s it was largely reliant on practice of law figures and in many other countries this is still the case. Statistics come from police records are a measure of police activity and are ofttimes used to gain an understanding of the performance of the police to target the use of resources, it does not mean that they are not necessarily a good measure of aversion. Since the early 1980s police statistics have been supplemented by selective information from the British Crime Survey, which asks a representative sample of the household existence about their experiences of evil over the year prior to interview. As with any victimisation survey, the BCS also has its limitations, but it is generally accepted as a more reliable measure of trends in the common types of offensive against individuals or households. The need for two sources of cr ime statistics is undoubtedly one factor that contributes to distrust, as was acknowledged by interviewees inside and outside the legal residence Office. For statisticians and criminologists, the two types of data complement one another the absence of either source would lead to huge gaps in our knowledge about crime. For the media, the public and many politicians, however, the two sources often seem to compete for attention. How easy it is for the impression of cherry-red-picking to take hold. This is a particular problem when the two sources of data show contradictory trends,A drop in crime, while good give-and-take, is not as interesting as an increase. Within an overall reduction there is likely to be a mixed picture, with some crimes going up and others down. The existence of the two data sources, which can show contradictory trends, makes it even easier either to cherry pick for something that has kaput(p) up, Well the thing is theyve got two figures that they measure cri me by and ones the British Crime Survey and ones the, I think its the actual figures that are recorded by the police. And they keep changing which one theyre spotlight depending on which ones the best and so the police one is actually a much lower figure than the British Crime Survey, although the British Crime Surveys gone down a lot so theyre highlighting that. (Participant in MORI focus group). waste crime in itself is one of those that have gone up, there were over a million violent offences recorded in 2008-2009. Violent crime has increased from 615,985 offences in 1998-9 to 1034,972, an increase of 68 percent. hit man crime (excluding air weapons) are down by 17 percent in 2008-9 but still 58 per cent higher than in 1998-9. ( nucleotide Office, Crime in England and Wales 2008-9, 22 October 2009, Revised Table 2.04) . this goes to show how easy it is to manipulate the figures, figures could have gone down from the previous year but my still be higher than previous years, th is is done to try and gain points by the government and the police.Using the example of violent crime show the strengths and weaknesses of police recorded crime figures. According to the Home Office Police statistics provide a good measure of trends in well reported crimes, are an important indicator of police workload, and can be used for local crime pattern analysis (Home Office 2004). Violent crime has always been an issue of concern for two the government and the public. mavin issue that remains is how reliable these statistics are, are they creating an atmosphere of panic and latent hostility within the general public Violent crime is an issue of considerable public concern. These may include the volume and violent crimes that include familiar offences, gun and knife crime, domestic violence, race and other hate crime. In particular, it is expected for the partners to pay close attention to the levels of domestic violence that are ongoing, as this information about crime i s unlikely to be corned through the recorded crime figures. We expect partnerships to consider how best to refer the emphasis on tackling domestic burglary, vehicle crime and robbery. Reducing harms caused by illegal drugs is a good way to dilute it, considering how they progress and following it up by aiding them to get out of the crime world. Treatment centers and handiness to enter these places for those in the Criminal Justice System and they should also set challenges and targets for vulnerable young people.Following the publication of the Governments 2004 spending review and the Home Offices new five year Strategic Plan, the Home Office will have seven new Public Service Agreement targets (PSAs) for the period March 2005 to 2007/08. It is through these targets that they will try and achieve the objectives that have been set out in the Home Office Strategic Plan. Partnership activities will influence and support pitching of all the Home Office PSAs, but their work will be especially influential in the delivery of PSA1 (to reduce crime by 15%, and more in high crime areas, by 2007/08). PSA2 (to reassure the public, reducing the fear of crime and anti-social behaviour, and grammatical construction confidence in the Criminal Justice System (CJS) without compromising fairness). PSA3 (to bring 1.25 million offences to nicety in 2007/08). PSA4 (reduce the harm caused by illegal drugs including easily increasing the number of drug misusing offenders entering treatment through the CJS). PSA6 (increase unforced and company engagement, especially amongst those at risk of social exclusion).Partnerships will be expected to set challenging targets locally in order to reduce crime, disorder and drug related incident in their communities. Government Offices will help and support partnerships to achieve the required outcomes. Partnerships are currently rank on rates of recorded crime per head of population but only for vehicle crime, burglary and robbery. Usin g the new measure produces a different list of partnerships in the top 40. The recorded crime British Crime Survey is the provider of statistics that the police record that cover the crime types that are most similar to those obtained by the BCS. As part of the delivery of PSA1 at a regional and local level, the Home Office has clear expectations of the level of performance required from each region and each partnership within it. The Regional performance indicator is the level of reduction needed regionally to support delivery of the PSA at a national level. The Home Office will use this as a regional performance indicator to monitor the contribution, at a regional level, to the delivery of PSA1. The Home Office expects partnerships to set challenging targets to support delivery of all PSAs, as appropriate, especially PSAs 1, 2 and 4. The nature of PSA1 means that there are particular expectations of partnership performance and targets to support the 15% and more reduction.The proc essing of media information on crime is based on a short-term, fast-paced and surface level research, which can limit the types of information circulating, and disregard crucial issues. often tidings reports of crime read information on the offender, place of crime, and victim, with forgetful devoted to the context of how offending or victimization occurs. In addition, the medias rapid analysis and assessment of crime trends and outcomes of the implementation of public policies at the local level can hinder effective and successful bar. Crime prevention practitioners emphasize the importance of prevention strategies which are characterized by long-term action, and based on a solid diagnosis that takes into account the complexity of the causes of crime and their interactions. Therefore, intelligence serviceworthiness reporting of crime is not favourable to these approaches. The way the news media represents crime often includes newsworthy stories that act on emotion more than on fact, and focus on negative images of crime in communities.The fact that the public rely on the media to inform us allows them to manipulate the way we feel about crime. In addition Chiricos et al (2000) finds that local andnational news are related to fear of crime. The effect of local news on fear of crime is stronger for residents in high crime areas and those who experienced victimization.In terms of audience effects, fear of victimization will depend on who is viewing thecrime stories. Research indicates that residents in high crime urban areas who watch a largeamount of television are more likely to be afraid of crime (Doob and MacDonald, 1979 Gerbner et al, 1980). Another important factor is whether audience members have direct victim experience or share characteristics that make them crime vulnerable. Research indicates that media sources will be more meaningful when direct experience is lacking (Gunter, 1987 Liska and Baccaglini, 1990 Skogan and Maxfield, 1981). For exam ple, Liska and Baccaglini (1990) find that media influence was strongest for females, whites and the elderly, which are segments of the population least likely to be victimized. In another study, Chiricos et al (1997) find that the frequency of watching television news and listening to the news on the radio is significantly related to fear. Their research indicates that television news consumption is significantly related to fear only for white females between the ages of 30 and 44. This is similar to other findings that suggest that watching crime on television has a greater effect for women and whites, who have low victim risk compared to males and non whites (Gerbner et al., 1980).New Labour once had a slogan furrowed on crime, tough on the causes of crime. That meant it treated criminals more harshly, but also tried harder to tackle the causes of crime. One of New Labours most remarkable governmental achievements, during its first term of office, was to have forged a Third ro om law and order position that has successfully challenged the idea that social pop political parties are by definition soft on crime. This draw key strategies reinforcing New Labours core governmental project of modernization through managerialization in criminal justice. There was a focus on crime reduction and youth justice. It was pivotal to realizing New Labours long-term objective of magisterial the centre ground of law and order politics in the UK. We betoken that an institutionalization and normalization of managerialism is taking place to resolve the contradictions, tensions and disconnections generated by the Conservatives incomplete public sector reform project and to create the basis for achieving the long held exalted of a cost-effective, efficient, seam slight criminal justice system. There are disputed opinions as to whether crime has fallen due to the criminal justice policy instigated by New Labour. The idea that crime has fallen has emerged from examples fro m statistical evidence. However, if you were to look into these sources, together with the idea that certain aspects of crime are not considered in certain surveys, provokes inevitable controversy. This analysis explores the arguments both supporting and contradicting this statement. According to these statistics there was a rise in crime from 1981 to 1995 followed by a decrease. In 1995 the BCS figures indicated there were almost 20 million incidents, but this had reduced to just under 11 million by 2005 (Garside, 2006). New Labour came to power in 1997 and over the years has extensively increased expenditure in the criminal justice system in an effort to reduce crime by increasing the number of police officers and the number of prison places available. They introduced anti-social behaviour orders (ASBOs), founded the Serious Organised Crime Agency and increased spending in the probation service, crown courts and Crown Prosecution Service (Eades, et al 2007, p.19). Since 1995 the B CS has shown that wounding has decreased by 40% and common assault by 49% and also that Labour has met its targets to reduce vehicle crime and domestic burglaries (Home Office, 2006, p.65).Combining data from ten sweeps of the British Crime Survey, it suggests that public confidence is based less on instrumental concerns about crime and more on communicative concerns about neighbourhood stability. Therefore, confidence may be driven not by fear of crime but by concerns about disorder, consistency and informal social control. Members of the public look to the police as representatives of community safety and guards as they address everyday problems and strengthen social order. To increase public confidence and decrease the fear of crime, the police need to interact more with the public and take an active part of the community and represent and defend community values, norms and morals. A very important factor when examining the impact of fear of crime, is determining whether or not the fear is proportionate to the actual incidence of crime. When the fear of crime is proportionate, people are aware of the risks associated with various personal violence offences. This level of fear or concern can encourage good personal safety habits and increased home and airscrew security, therefore minimising the risks of becoming a victim themselves. When the fear of crime becomes disproportional to the reality, it now becomes a negative effect on a persons life-style and quality of life. These effects can include people avoiding situations and limit thier movements, sometimes to the extent that they become reluctant to leave their own home. not only do they limit where they may go but they may also refrain from doing activites that they enjoyed due to this disproportionate overwhelming fear. Police precense will make people feel more at ease and safe around their area. Educating the society about crime and crime prevention could be another way to tackle this. Getting the society involved in both crime prevention through social development and in community based justice programs such as Youth Justice Committees, supervision of youth doing Community Service work. Direct citizen involvement in justice leads to a better informed citizenry, who then are more understanding of what impacts crime and how to change it.(

Friday, March 29, 2019

SWOT and PEST Analysis of Indias Telecom Sector

SWOT and PEST Analysis of Indias telecom SectorINTROIndian telecom industry beings fastest maturement industry(last three forms 42%) and adding billions of customer monthly and reach to agree of more than 700 million customer mark in the end of year 2010. It is the most kinetic industry and found on the tough opposition, value war emerged in the 3rd quarter of 2010. It has lowest tariffs in the manhood and highest telephone density. It also suffers from highest churn rate 2% and 5% for prepaid and prepaid respectively. It also has lowest ARPU (average revenue per user). It is second largest network in the world (in terms of number of subscriber 1st china) The wireless argonna has become so dominant that it is has almost made the landline mapping dormant with no impudentlyly happenings/activities/ engine room in that domain of telecommunication service. A look at their contribution to the total telephone run shows the rapidly change face of the telecommunication indus try in India. This sea change has been caused by a number of parts varying from reduction in tariffs and cost of mobile handsets to change in g everywherenment policies to mindset of the world- bulky public.Market StructureIndian telecommunication market is divided into a total of 23 circles, which allow 4 metros, and 19 former(a) circles. These circles are further classified into A, B and C type of circles base in the certain economic parameters and revenue potential. Circles were categorized as A,B, C based on the revenue potential as per the 1st auction in 1995.Total Market Size US $ 60 Billiontelecommunication Services can be broadly classified under 3 heads Telephone, Broadcasting and Internet.An exponential growth in the number of subscribers has been witnessed over the recent years with the annual growth going as high as 47%.Indian tariffs are very low in resemblance to world standards.The COMPANIES which I am going to analyze is top 5 as per the market share shown by above tableBHARTI AIRTEL imageVODAFONEBSNLAIRCELPEST ANALYSISIt is the frame work designed to assess the big environment of any country, organization or community. It is basically include the chase four factors but now days it extends further to PESTELED the extension denotes as ENVIROMENT -LEGAL-ETHICS-DEMOGRAPHICS.This digest tries to find all details related to its four heads, which has any(prenominal) meaning to line of products and affect line of credit organization is the part of remote epitome while conducting strategic psychodepth psychology for business. It is useful tool to understand business growth opportunities and if any previous decline why was decline. With the increase of competition and fast changing global scenario each firm is doing this to be dynamic in its position. policy-making FACTORSGOVERNMENT TYPELABOUR LAW,FREEDOM OF PRESS, RULES OF LAW, BUREAUCRACY, depravityTRADE RESTRICTIONS/ TARIFFSPOLITICAL STABILITYECONOMIC FACTORSECONOMIC GROWTH provoke RATESEXCHANGE RATESINFLATION RATEBUSINESS vibration STAGESOCIAL FACTORCULTURAL ASPECTSBUYING BEHAVIOR commonwealth GROWTH RATEAGE DISTRIBUTIONINCOME DISTRIBUTIONLEVEL OF instructionTECHNOLOGICAL FACTORRATE OF OBSOLESCENCERD FACILITIESSPEED OF TECHNOLOGICAL TRANSFERPOLITICAL FACTOR- these factors are related to the politics of the country, it has huge electric shock as India has next environment before 1991 and its difficult or impossible to set up a business.Government type the watercourse UPA government of India is progressive and spare which laying path to economic developmentSWOT ANALYSISIt denotes skill -WEAKNESS-OPPERTUNITY- bane and this proficiency used to analyze a company during strategic planning. This technique is credited to Albert Humphery who led a convention at Stanford University in the mid-sixties and 1970s using data from Fortune 500 companies.BHARTI AIRTEL Bharti airtel limited is a lead story global telecommunications company with tradi ng operations in 19 countries crossways Asia and Africa. The company offers mobile voice data services, fixed line, high drive wideband, IPTV, DTH, turnkey telecom resolutenesss for enterprises and national international long distance services to carriers. bharti airtel has been ranked among the six best performing technology companies in the world by business week. bharti airtel had 200 million customers across its operations.STRENGTHBharti Airtel has more than 65 million customers (July 2008). It is the largest cellular provider in India, and also supplies broadband and telephone services as well as many other telecommunications services to both domestic and corporate customers.Other endorseholders in Bharti Airtel include Sony-Ericsson, Nokia and Sing Tel, with whom they hold a strategic alliance. This means that the business has accession to knowledge and technology from other parts of the telecommunications world.The company has covered the replete(p) Indian nation w ith its network. This has underpinned its large and rising customer base.WeaknessesAn often cited genuine weakness is that when the business was started by Sunil Bharti Mittal over 15 years ago, the business has little knowledge and experience of how a cellular telephone brass actually worked. So the start-up business had to outsource to industry experts in the field.Until tardily Airtel did not own its own towers, which was a particular strength of approximately of its competitors such as Hutchison Essar. Towers are important if your company wishes to provide wide coverage nationally.The fact that the Airtel has not pulled off a deal with southeastern Africas MTN could signal the lack of any real emerging market coronation opportunity for the business once the Indian market has become mature.OpportunitiesThe company possesses a customized version of the Google search engine which get out enhance broadband services to customers. The tie-up with Google can only enhance the Air tel brand, and also provides publicizing opportunities in Indian for Google.Global telecommunications and in the altogether technology brands see Airtel as a key strategic player in the Indian market. The new iPhone will be launched in India via an Airtel distributorship. Another strategic partnership is held with blackberry bush telegraphless Solutions.Despite being forced to outsource much of its expert operations in the early days, this allowed Airtel to work from its own blank poll of paper, and to question industry approaches and practices for example replacing the Revenue-Per-Customer illustration with a Revenue-Per-Minute model which is better suited to India, as the company moved into small and out-of-door villages and towns.The company is investing in its operation in 120,000 to 160,000 small villages all year. It sees that less well-off consumers may only be able to fall in a few tens of Rupees per call, and also so that the business benefits are ascendable usi ng its Matchbox strategy.Bharti Airtel is embarking on another(prenominal) joint venture with Vodafone Essar and Idea cellular to create a new independent tower company called Indus Towers. This new business will control more than 60% of Indias network towers. IPTV is another potential new service that could underpin the companys long-term strategy.ThreatsAirtel and Vodafone seem to be having an on/off relationship. Vodafone which owned a 5.6% stake in the Airtel business sold it back to Airtel, and instead invested in its rival Hutchison Essar. Knowledge and technology previously available to Airtel now moves into the hands of one of its competitors.The quickly changing pace of the global telecommunications industry could tempt Airtel to go along the scholarship trail which may make it vulnerable if the world goes into recession. Perhaps this was an impact upon the decision not to proceed with talks about the potential leveraging of South Africas MTN in May 2008. This opened the door for talks mingled with Reliance Communications Anil Ambani and MTN, allowing a competing Inidan industrialist to invest in the new emerging African telecommunications market.Bharti Airtel could also be the target for the takeover mint of other global telecommunications players that wish to move into the Indian market.VODAFONE- Vodafone Essar is the Indian hyponym of Vodafone Group and commenced operations in 1994 when its predecessor Hutchison Telecom acquired the cellular emancipation for Mumbai. The company now has operations across the country with over 127.34 million customers. In a survey conducted by Indias tip business weekly, Vodafone Essar was awarded just about Respected Company in the Telecom Sector for 2010.Vodafone is one of the worlds leading international mobile communication root wordSTRENGTHPresence in many countries and backed by number one telecom country.provider of 3G and blackberry services and business solution.Number one gainer out-of-pocket to M NP 50,000 customer.WEAKNESSTHREATOPPORTUNITIESEmerging markets and expansion abroadInnovation product and services expansionGrowing data business and 3G auctioningVAS as a means to increase ARPU (big boss, Zoo Z00)Growing Enterprise solution market (10.2% in 2009 anticipated)Large capital can be raise by listing Vodafone on Indian Stock Exchange(IPO)Tower share-out business with Indus TowersiDEA- idea is the 3rd largest mobile services operator in India, in revenue terms, and recorded a subscriber base of over 78 million as on end November 10. It became a pan-India merged GSM operator covering the entire telephony landscape of the country, and expanded its NLD and ILD operations in FY 2010. During the year, Idea increased its revenue market share by over 1%, despite stiff tariff war in the market. The company has won license to offer 3G services in 11 service areas, which generate over 81% of the companys total revenue. Ideas 3G services will be launched in the year 2011.STRENGTHW EAKNESSTHREATOPPORTUNITIESAIRCEL The Aircel group is a joint venture between Maxis Communications Berhad of Malaysia and Sindya Securities Investments Private Limited, whose current shareholders are the Reddy family of Apollo Hospitals Group of India, with Maxis Communications holding a majority stake of 74% .Aircel commenced operations in 1999 and became the leading mobile operator in Tamil Nadu within 18 months. In December 2003, it launched commercially in Chennai and quickly established itself as a market leader a position it has held since.STRENGTHWEAKNESSTHREATOPPERTUNITIESBSNL Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd. formed in October, 2000, is Worlds seventh largest Telecommunications Company providing comprehensive range of telecom services in India Wire line, CDMA mobile, GSM Mobile, Internet, Broadband, Carrier service, MPLS-VPN, VSAT, VoIP services, IN Services etc. Presently it is one of the largest leading public sector unit in India.STRENGTHWEAKNESSTHREATOPPERTUNITIESIndustry- pestel, porter, 7sFirm- swot,sap,etop,competitor, internal,externalpestelexternal factorexternal factoretopindustry analysiscompetitors analysiscompetitors analysismraketing analysisinternal factor analysisswotpestelexternal factorexternal factoretopindustry analysiscompetitors analysiscompetitors analysismraketing analysisinternal factor analysisswotpestelexternal factorexternal factoretopindustry analysiscompetitors analysiscompetitors analysismraketing analysisinternal factor analysisswot

Theories of Depression

Theories of DepressionPsychology is the scientific study of fashion and mental process (Rathus 4). By looking at pique disorders in psychology we post see that major(ip) falloff has affected much than 15 million Ameri nooky adults, about 6.7% of the U.S. population age 18 and older in the year 2016 (Anxiety and Depression Associatin of America). There ar broadly speaking two types of mood disorders effect and bipolar disorder. Depression mostly involves feelings of help s wildness, despondentness, worthlessness, guilt, and keen sadness. According to the DSM-IV, an individual needs to be diagnosed with five or more than of nine symptoms in order to be decl atomic number 18d get down. Persistent depressed mood for most of the day, exhalation of interest or pleasure in wholly, or almost all activities, significant weight exhalation or gain due to changes in appetite, sleeping more or less than usual, speeding up or s imprinting down of physical and wound up reactions, fatigue or loss of energy, feelings of worthlessness or unfolded guilt, reduced cleverness to concentrate or make pregnant decisions, and recurrent thoughts of death or suicide. Also, the individual must be in possession of at least one of the starting line two symptoms with their five total symptoms to be considered depressed (Rathus 423).According to the DSM-V, thither are quite a few types of depression that an individual can experience. The primary modeling of depression is major Depression this can in any case be known as Chronic Major depression, and or unipolar Depression. whatsoever symptoms may include persistent anxious, sadness or an vacate mood thought the day, feelings of pessimism or hopelessness, irritability and or sudden unwarranted outburst, persistent certain physical symptoms that may not respond to slightnessments, loss of interest in all or all most all activities that can include sex, decrease in energy, changes in sleeping or eating habits that c an result to over or under sleeping and weight loss or gain. Dysthymia is the secondary type of depression mentioned in the DSM-V. This is an overwhelmed state of a chronic state of depression, that was once more explained feelings of a depressed mood for most of the day but must be for at least two years. When an individual experiences dysthymia he or she may show symptoms of appetite or weight changes, feelings of fatigue and helplessness, low self-esteem, changes in sleep, and poor ability to concentrate or make meaningful decisions. SAD or Seasonal Affective Disorder has also been mentioned in the DSM-V. This is most common in the harsh winters where there is little light for the body to secrete certain hormones for the body to function properly. The best solutions to sanction this problem is to have artificial sun light projected to the individual or either go to a tanning beauty parlour. The tanning salon also used artificial sunlight to tan the skin or change the pigment w ithin the skin (American Psychiatric Association).Depression has stick out up evidence in both sides of the Nature and Nurture Debate. Biologically, the thyroidal secreter can affect an individuals depression state. Depending of the amount of certain hormones produced in the thyroid gland, a person may show signs of the nine symptoms described by DSM-IV. Some hormones that may affect an individuals depression state are thyroid stimulating hormones, triiodothyronine and thyroxine. Have overly much or too little of these hormones may result in a few conditions much(prenominal)(prenominal) as, sleep disturbances, weight loss or gain, trainability or nervousness, fatigue, forgetfulness, inability to concentrate heat or the cold, and dry skin or hair (WebMD). Also, disorders such as depression and anxiety have the tendency to occur more often in close relatives of affected individuals than they do in the command population. Between 20 and 25 percent of deal who is affected with mood disorders have a family member who is affected by a equal disorder. On the side of the nurture debate, the physiocratic view of depression is that same people are prone to depression because they suffered a real or imagined loss of a loved object or person in childhood. Some learning theorists believe that learned helplessness makes people prone to depression. This was demonstrate by a psychologist named Martian Seligman when he conducted an experiment on dogs. The dogs were taught that they were hopeless to escape from electric shock. First, he placed a barrier in the dogs cage to prevent them from leaving when shocks were administered. Later the barrier was removed. However, hen shocks ere again administered, the dogs made no effort to escape. They had learned there was nothing to do to stop the pain (Rathus 424, 425).In the field of psychology, there are numerous types of theories for different subjects. Depression has many theories which have different implications for the therapy that is used to treat it. Directly and indirectly, the social environment plays a role in depression. terzetto modellings of depression theories are rank surmisal of depression, Psychodynamic theory of depression and Becks cognitive theory of depression. Theories are used to help treat depression and for an example for each, a female named surface-to-air missile. The first example used in Wades example would be rank theory depression. surface-to-air missile made many friends in High School and was well-known throughout school. She would have a major position in the student council and would be the captain and the star participant of two major sports teams. As Sam would walk through the hallways, she would happen pleasure in being greeted. Sam would be excited over the thought of going to college and having the opportunities of interacting with a new group of people. However, when in college, the vagary of instantaneous social acceptance would not be a reality. beg inning from the bottom of the social hierarchy, Sam could not begin to understand or accept her new social position and became frustrated and incensed after towards the end of her first semester she would feel depressed. By applying the social rank theory, phycologists may now begin to determine why Sam is depressed. According to Stevens and Price, when organisms are demoted to a lower social rank, they will become depressed in order to accept this fact and reduce their desire to get back on top (Stevens A.). This is an evolutionary function and is designed to avoid bout between the new and old leaders (Stevens A.). Her treatment should be focused on Rational Emotive Therapy which teaches her that being a leader can be irrational (Wade).The next theory, presented by Sigmoid Freud is psychodynamic theory of depression which states that depression is a result from individual retirement account from imbalanced cognitions and behavior in childhood. To present this theory say for exa mple Sam grew up in a strictly Catholic household that prided on being perfect. Sam has a loving and overprotective mother and a father who swaggering and abusive. However, Sam only displaces positive emotions to her parents and becomes confused on the child. She cannot be angry at her parents because they are essential for survival and she wants to please her parents, but is futile to do so. So instead of being angry at her parents she directs the anger inwards towards herself, this happens unconsciously according to Freud. The treatment based off of the psychodynamic theory would need the Sam to decrease her self-punishment and allow her to understand that it is okay to not be perfect (Wade). Instead of feeling disappointed that she is not perfect, she should have the mind set to work towards perfection perfection is non-existent. Setting belittled goals may also help her but only if she allows herself to feel accomplished.Lastly, Becks cognitive theory of depression states tha t the primary cause of depression is through disallow thoughts (Rashmi Nemade). First off, what is cognitive psychology? It is the study of mental processes such as, memory, language, perception, creativity, thinking, attending and problem solving (Wikipedia). Going back to Sam, she thinks that she would never be adapted to please her parents and that she would be stuck in her social position for the rest of her college career. No matter how much effort Sam put into her activities she would never succeed. Sam is also homosexual and her parents do not accept her because of it. She feels that her future would via media of either being untrue to herself or defying her parents. There are tierce thoughts that result in her depression belief that all efforts are futile, no hope for the future and feeling inadequate. During her therapy sessions, she would be taught to view failures as challenges that are possible to overcome and she needs to know that she is in control of her lifes l ogical argument (Wade). Sam would have adopted an enchasing attribution to her problems that would enable her to feel shining about her efforts and the future (Schneider).ReferencesAmerican Psychiatric Association. Diangnostic and statistical Manual of psychological Disorders. DSM-5. 2013.Anxiety and Depression Associatin of America. Anxiety and Depression. August 2016. .Rashmi Nemade, Natalie Staats Reiss, and Mark Dombeck. Cognitive Theories Of Major Depression Aaron Beck. 19 September 2007. .Rathus, Spencer A. Psychology Principles in Practice. Auston Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 2003. 4.Schneider, F. W., Gruman, J. A., Coutts, L. M. Applied favorable Psychology Understanding and Addressing Social and Practical Problems. Thousand Oaks, CA apt Publications, 2005.Stevens A., Price J. Evolutionary Psychiatry A New Beginning. London Routledge, 2000.Wade, Rebecca Michelle. Theories of Depression. 5 October 2011. .WebMD. Depression, the Thyroid, and Hormones. 2016. .Wikipedia. Co gnitive Psychology. 2016. .