Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Managing Human Resources Work Environment Issues

Question: How would you ensure the work environment issues Gilbert identifies are appropriately considered in a performance management system you designed for your organization? Answer: According to Tom Gilberts BEM, level of performance of any individual employee entirely depends on the motivation, ability and work environment. This is the reason; Gilbert says performance is f (M x A x E); Where, M = motivation; A = Ability and E = Environment Therefore, it is become clear that in order to attain high performance level in the work place, organization irrespective of the industry requires maintaining all three aspects appropriately (Cascio, 2012). However, Gilberts also identified two major issues that adversely affect the performance level, such as: Work environment or system aspects; and Person aspects It is fact that the above to aspects largely influence the on job behavior, which ultimately affects the performance. Therefore, being a HR manager, there is requiring identifying solutions to these two issues while implementing a performance management system. According to Gilbert BEM, performance management system of an organization largely depends on employee motivation (Bach and Edwards, 2013). Motivation is considered as the outside factor which is caused by increasing the demand of customers for the particular product. To ensure that this factor will not affect further; organization should try to maintain their customers demand. If the demand of customer for any product is increased then organization should try to increase their productivity (Cascio, 2012). Further, information, instrumentation along with motivation factor largely affects the performance management of organization. Information affects the performance management of the organization as suppose someone from inside the organization spread outside confidential information (Jorgenson, Ho and Stiroh, 2005). So according to Gilbert BEM information of the organization should be secure and safe. According to Gilbert GEM instrumentation is when organization to reduce their recruitment expenditure tries to make their present employees work more i.e. extra work without any extra pay which decrease quality of work. Motivation factor can affect the performance management of organization if employees are paid insufficient rewards or pay for their work. To motivate employees work better organization should decided pay scale structure and reward as per their work (Cascio, 2012). The job factor in organization revolves around information and instrumental factor. To ensure that instrumental factor do not affect the performance management organization should try to maintain positive work environment, culture inside the organization. According to Gilbert BEM organizational and job factor are considered as the inside factor in performance management process (Cascio, 2012). References Bach, S. and Edwards, M. (2013).Managing human resources. Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley. Cascio, W (2012) Managing Human Resources, Productivity, Quality of Work Life, Profit Editor: Wayne F. Cascio (9th Edition) Jorgenson, D., Ho, M. and Stiroh, K. (2005).Productivity. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press.

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