Thursday, December 19, 2019

Compare And Contrast Essay On Childhood - 1284 Words

A person’s life can be summed up within a sentence, their childhood just a word. Time has the interesting ability of warping. At the same time, it has the ability to take away sentiment from any event. Words can only express so much of an experience. One can only relate to an experience by sharing that moment, even then the way individuals process experiences differs drastically. A prime example of this is one’s childhood. People can share the same superficial characteristics, yet have two different takes on childhood. Two male middle children with separated parents and two siblings can diverge completely. Where does this lie? It lies within one’s processing, which in turns creates unique same experiences. Every individual is†¦show more content†¦The Stage For children, the greatest thing fought for is recognition. Especially as a young girl, it’s only natural to crave attention. I grew up as an extroverted child. That’s one of the reasons why I was attracted to the stage; it was my domain, my home. My mom told me that my extroversion became apparent in one specific situation. My family and I were at the beach for our annual beach trip and I was making sandcastles. There was another little girl near us who was also playing in the sand. My mom told me that I walked over to the little girl and just sat down and started playing with her, at one point she asked, â€Å"can we be friends?† my response was, â€Å"I thought we were already friends.† The Dancer Growing up as an only child my best friends were the Disney princesses. I watched them glide and dance along the screen, swinging in the arms of a handsome prince. They were magnificent. Beautiful, graceful, and powerful. I wanted nothing more to join their brigade. At three, I was put in dance classes to make this dream happen. Tap and jazz, definitely not the princess dancing I imagined. This became apparent when the first recital came around. We were given fluorescent, sparkly leotards. No ball gowns or even a tutu. I don’t recall the reason for my following actions, but according to my mom when all the other little dancers took position and began dancing I didn’t. I sat on the stage. My mother was furious,Show MoreRelatedChildren s Learning And Development1159 Words   |  5 PagesCognitive development Piaget The essay focuses on children’s learning and development. I will attempt to outline and discuss the fundamental theory of Jean Piaget who has established the foundation of childhood development. In particular I will discuss Piaget’s stages of cognitive development, Schemes, the pros and cons of his theory, the criticism of other academics in relation to Piaget’s findings and contrast them with my own observation and practice of childhood development. 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