Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Essay --

Field Of Innocence ? 27th September , 2013 Chennai : Little boys and girls , running around trees trying to catch up each other : this painting on the walls of the Juvenile Home in Kelly’s, Chennai holds no resemblance to the lives of the Juveniles In Conflict With Law ( JCL). A look at the boys here, uniformly dressed in blue, playing carrom would paint the picture of the government trying to provide a normal childhood to the juveniles. But, the cold stare the latter give visitors is proof of their innocence lost . â€Å" You better not cheat . I swear to God I will kill you â€Å",says one JCL to another . The fact that they’ve been â€Å"jailed† for crimes as severe as murder has not abated their aggression.To see 12 years olds talking about killing with so much conviction is disheartening. The procedure of charting out a JCL’s life in state run juvenile homes is on dazed grounds . â€Å"We’ve no control over the Juvenile Homes . We just catch the kids who’ve committed the crime and hand them over to the Social Welfare Department ( Defense) â€Å", says Shyamala Devi , Assistant Commisioner,Chennai...

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