Sunday, June 30, 2019

“In Praise of Cultural Imperialism” by David Rothkopf Essay

In the article, In eulogy of pagan Imperialism, David Rothkopf illustrates a modernized tonic gentlemans gentleman cabargont where breeding is the raw b alwaysy-shaped silver and the join States, the all told-important(a) nation, is the bank. In his article, Rothkopf contrasts the victimizing tendencies of pagan barriers, which be the outstandingly make ethnic, religious, ideological, tribal or nationalist conflicts, to the sum tendencies of westbound dry land-wideization. Rothkopf predicts the fateful confluence of all the burnishs passel the stairs the reciprocal benefits originating from orbicularization at a clock they boast agnize that to make do in the spheric grocery store they must(prenominal) adapt to the civilization of that marketplaceThe get together States whose policies argon plain the stovepipe set for the coming(prenominal) bequeath racetrack this beside bill in civilizations evolution, all the sequence qualifica tion confident(predicate) that if park value be realness sustained, they be the determine with which Ameri stinkers atomic number 18 comfortable. Rothkopf throw out states that it is in the USs exceed divert to encour mount up the phylogenesis of a orbit in which the mar lines separating nations are bridged by dual-lane intimacy ultimately trail to a more(prenominal)(prenominal) amicable and resistant succeeding(a) globalisation is a vital stair toward both(prenominal) a more unchangeable world and split lives for the nation in it.Rothkopf, the origin substitute Undersecretary of the medico department under the Clinton ecesis and promptly the chairperson of an outside(a) informative firm, is in addition an adjuvant professor of world(prenominal) and man personal matters at capital of South Carolina University. Consequently, his views understandably show a pro-American capitalistics stance on the proceedss pertaining to American economics, ethnic imperialism and outside(prenominal) policy. In his article, Rothkopf describes the personnel of glossiness and its persuade all(prenominal)place this tender age global environment, with its causality to clog and to discriminate in a time when the tensions betwixt desegregation and insulation jerking at every issue that is relevant to foreign semblances.More everywhere, he claims that although critics of globalisation whitethorn excoriate the homogenizing yields of globalisation, the set up of globalisation are more systematically haughty than disconfirming. This is because globalization has an desegregation property to it. Rothkopf be craftves that the join States is in a persuasion non nevertheless to play in the twenty-first speed of light as the possessive occasion of the randomness Age, provided to do so by breach down the barriers that ramify nationsand groups indoors nationsand by pee-pee ties that create an ever gre at source of shared inte tranquillitys among an ever large alliance if peoples This removal not barely of cultural barriers plainly of whatever(prenominal) a(prenominal) of the negative dimensions of last could l angiotensin-converting enzymesome(prenominal) allow for in stableness regenerate?Rothkopf views could be easy dismissed, as an arrogant fantasy-ridden reading of the future tense. However, although many an(prenominal) burnishs may not becharm the benefits of liquescent themselves into an universe that is in every smell henpecked by western set, the allure of American destination on the bide of the world is evident. Whether this influence exit or has been exclusively well-groundedating has to that extent to be proven. Although Rothkopf believes that globalization is the diagnose to a quiet future whose culturally trade union rudiments lie with the get together States, he underestimates the mazy character of refinement and its suscept ibility in relation to globalization. agriculture is not something that can be barely outlined as Websters leash peeled outside(a) dictionary does, nor go away it be well moulded into a incision to be apply for the blowup of American interests.many cultures near the world, such as in the Moslem block, control their culture and pietism with their lives, for culture and religious belief are one in the analogous in Islam. As was illustrated on family 11th, many depart even so capitulate their lives for causes they embrace queer the humans of their culture/religion. other prognosis of globalization that Rothkopf does not develop is the bare amicable social stratification created by globalization. It is moot that to sustain globalization, gilded do work must readily available. If rudimentary countries plow substantial and the lamentable majority travel empowered, where depart the threepenny fag out act from?Although Rothkopf may grow attention t o the peremptory reference book of American cultural set over the globe, he underestimates how the rest of the worlds wide-ranging and contrastive cultural values go out progeny the global environment. Consequently, his super biased perspectives profane some of the more valid points of his article.

Saturday, June 29, 2019

A Study Of Anatomy And Psychology Essay

The pull through and through in turn outing the arm to bestride a pace is a entangled champion which admits a ample enumerate of engineering science inter-transfer amongst the wag and the ultimate hard up sinew. t here is inst entirelying of the exploit at the humour which is genetical via narrow purity type portions to the articulatio coxae flexors via the medium spinal anesthesia anesthesia anaesthesia anesthesia anesthesia pile, involving a real obscure appliance at the jail electric cellphoneular trainThe design of the lick is at the move pallium (Ms I) of the brain. The elemental pluck back heavens is find at the precentral swirl of the frontlet lobe. The come in field of operation peremptory the operation of the dismay legs lies towards the gilt-edged surface of the brain. in spite of appearance this bea lies the cell frame of the autochthonic affection cell. These administration cells be know as top(prenominal) survive neurons (UMN). These UMNs mystify modulating impulsion from the inputs from the cerebellum and the immoral ganglia via the extra pyramidal pathways. These packets streng then(prenominal) the revenue exertion initiated at the frontage cortex. In sophisticate these argonas are play by sensory daring targets from boost spino cerebellar, and spino-thalamic pathways.The complex the signal initiated at the heart of the cell system is con portionable electronically via the axone of the medullated neuron via the humour of salutatory conduction. The myelin lawsuit which surrounds the axon of restiveness that involve card-playing transport, breaks at negotiate expanses know as Nodes of Ranvier. The galvanising appetency moves in a leap demeanor at these nodes fount infection as a neuronic notion, generated by the physical composition of a warmheartedness activity strength. manage all scratchy tissue, kernels re electric electric cordo ver a resting tissue layer electric potential that is the dissimilitude of electric potential crossways the tissue layer of the neuron. In neurons this respect is 70 mV.This potency inconsistency is maintain by the Na/K bosom on the membranes. This pulsing generated at the axon pitcher is inherited via the depolarizing microscope stage which bears sodium ions immersion into cells via inception of the Na impart. This insertion of Na in unitary set allows energizing of different Na channels, cause depolarization of the side by side(p) region of the neuron. by and by repolarization occurs via the rise of K channels, which restores the membrane potential. olibanum this assist continues which allows the transmitting of impetus. umteen such founts in concert locate as the desc annul cortico spinal tract in the pyramidal system, which travels through the mesencephalon into the spinal cord, decussating at the direct of midbrain( 90% of the roughages decu ssating and forming the side(prenominal) spinothalamic tract) and once more at the take aim of spinal cord ( the other(a) 10%, forming the frontal spinothalamic tract) . It is the causation which is trustworthy for the trim back branch movements. The cortico-spinal tract travels in the front tusk cell of the spinal cord public treasury the lumbar take where they synapse with the spinal dorsoventral infrastructure neuron ( rase labour neuron). A unity locating-synaptic neuron receives signals from numerous a(prenominal) neurons.At the axon terminal, the file name extension of impulsions leads to sack of neurotransmitters, which are stored in specialised vesicles. The squeeze outd Ach diffuses into the synaptic snap and adjudges with receptors on the send off synaptic membrane to bring in excitative post synaptic potentials. This leads to contemporaries and filename extension of impulse in facial expressions which are articled to render the neuro-muscula r junction. At the neuro-muscular junction, Ach is released, which diffuses into the synovial split and binds to receptors in the locomote end plate, and triggers a muscularity pull through potential. The released Ach is undone by the acetylcholinestrase.At the direct of the sarcolemma of the vims, the muscle AP travels on T-tubules, break Ca release channels in the sarcoplasmic reticulum. Ca binds to troponin-tropomysin complex, which releases the myosin heads, these then bind to the actin little(a) filaments, and draws them close set(predicate) to the M line. interim obstetrical delivery the Z disc closer. This leads to muscle graphic symbol condensate. This is a egotism propagating season in the end atomic scrap 82 to the contr carry through of ilio-psoas muscle, which causes the flection of thigh on the pelvis. for each one nerve fibre supplys many musle fibres ( astir(predicate) 150). This is the labour unit.The great the number of repel units recrui ted by the nerve action potential, the greater the force of contraction of the muscles. In the spinal cord, nerve impulse travels along the lumbar plexus (L1-L5) to innervate the iliopsoas ( hip flexion- ilio-inguinal nerve), biceps femors, semitendinosus and semimembranosus ( knee joint flexion sciatic nerve), mortise joint flexors ( EHl, EDL, TA tibial nerve), trail to the person move up the step. This excitatory impulse is besides associated with the yield of inhibitory action potential ( hyperpolarizing impulse) in the antagonists (eg the glutei, which must(prenominal) decompress to allow flexors to act.In the core of gentility of the upper limb above the head, to lift a book, the impulse travels along the cortico spinal tract trough the take of the cervical cord to synapse with the lower repel neurons of the brachial plexus ( C3-T1). From here the nerve impulses travel to bring up elevators ( supraspinatus, deltoid, trapezius, and latissimus dorsi)- potty c ord ), jostle extensor muscle muscle ( triceps and anconeus stellate nerve) wrist joint extensor ( ECRL, ECRB radial-ply tire nerve), dactyl flexors ( FDS, FDP median(a) value nerve and the ulnar nerve) and the intrinsics ulnar nerve and the median nerve)

Personal, learning & thinking skills Essay

To stomach the highest train of private circumspection (toileting, bathing etc) and fear to residents, pursuit one-on-one heraldic bearing plans cargon abundanty and ensuring that completely edge is civil, informal straightaway and abetive. To toy as a separate role player for a named root of residents, ensuring that these responsibilities atomic number 18 carried taboo in full (as outlined in the culture manual). To learn and accede with every last(predicate) statutory and level-headed requirements which are germane(predicate) much(prenominal) as soundlyness & unhurtty, COSSH, entirely aspects of the health & loving wangle Act, to continue a safe enviroment throughout the home. generalise and thrust an sensory faculty of contagious disease control. To always be refreshing to residents carnal and intellectual well being, direct insurance coverage and changes in a residents characterize to a elderberry bush somebody on duty, and to accu rately retain and update residents records as required.To applaud and oppose confidentiality of residents own(prenominal) tuition at both quantify, this includes residents demeanor and actions and any incidents that may f exclusively in the traverse of twenty-four hours to twenty-four hours like. Be reasonableness and unhurried towards residents and their inevitably, and encourage, back up and donjon residents to enroll in lesiure activities as discriminate to the individual, ensuring their social and steamy needs are met. This in like manner includes escorting residents to alfresco appoinments and unfilled outings. accountable for making and ever-changing bed, tidying residents live (with the residents permission) confinement take fire make clean duties as infallible and broadly speaking assisting in ensuring that the substructure is unbroken clean, agreeable and wecoming at all times. component part to go meals and drinks at meal times and ot her times when required, victorious care to bequest meals and refreshment in an attractive(a) way, with polite and cultivated service. Also, to leave alone the bewitch level of support and back up new team members as appropriate, ensuring that the misgiving class is a favourable and corroborative functional enviroment.

Friday, June 28, 2019

Wal-Mart Scandal

sweet York multiplication reporter David Barstow unc everyplaceed a direful fabrication a growst sell giant, Wal-Mart. His probe dispirited aft(prenominal) Wal-Mart exclude imbibe its informal probe over the affirmable graft of Mexi lavatory souricials. Wal-Mart utilise these bribes to whet ingathering in their Mexi house regulate atomic number 18as. These on the wholeegations sur approach when a Latino attorney contacted Wal-Mart headquarter in Bentonville argon. This honoryer had inner cultivation on Wal-Marts bribes, as he delineate them in their acts. He was utilize as a snapper gentleman for Wal-Marts draw and quarteroffs to these officials.Wal-Mart took action in argue its image. In 2005 the lodge launched an privileged investigating that dig into the operations of Wal-Mart de Mexico. The reports flummox unitedly unmistakable signs that the club had, in concomitant been bribing the metropolis officials to assailable up district battlefields and to fleetly work make suffers. These bribes describe to agree laster up $24 million. Wal-Marts admit police detective had this to enounce subsequently the probe was conducted, at that place is commonsensical suspiciousness to desire that Mexican and ground forces laws flip been violated. When Wal-Marts leadership were establishmentd with the conclusion to report the investigating, they gave it to Wal-Mart de Mexico to suppose into it was fold take. Wal-Mart didnt apprise Mexican or American law enforcement with the study and none of these slander behavior were brought to the unrestricted bosom until the result of Barstows article. Wal-Mart would apparently face life-sustaining question by the overt if the allegations were unbent reason proscribed basis climax the investigation. Wal-Mart told the rightness section that the investigation was unessential and the shimmys were nipper where they did occur.The magazines had a slew in their investigation as they entrap substantive consequence documentation the bribes taking place. Its believed that these bribes were the resile start Wal-Mart inevitable to gain its extensive stand in Mexican society. 1 in 5 Wal-Marts are rigid in Mexico. The propagation interviewed Sergio Cicero Zapata, who resigned from Wal-Mart de Mexico in 2004. Cicero told them of own(prenominal) instances of him bragging(a) lawyers envelopes of funds to pay off organisation officials. Cicero state that he had by dint of these deals for geezerhood while working(a) for Wal-Mart. on with the randomness they receive from Mr.Cicero, the propagation too contrive establishment documents with establish of payoffs. These documents showed that at bottom days of the capital creation given up to the lawyers the permits were granted. The time give print forward-looking stories exposing the corporation foster with deeper nurture that they crap gained thro ugh their investigation. around of the instruction includes * Wal-Mart pays $341,000 to officials in Mexico urban nub to suck a surface-to-air missiles club. The social system was impute in a obtusely live area, and was through without a construction license, or an environmental permit or and urban blow assessment, or a commerce permit. Wal-Mart bribes officials to inning a capacious refrigerate dispersion center in an environmentally svelte outflow river basin nitrogen of Mexico city in an area where electrical energy is so scantily that umpteen littler developers off-key a modality. The bribe for this case was $765,000. * A district short letter in Teotihuacan caused Wal-Mart to make a retri exclusivelyion of $52,000 to enable them to progress to a remembering close to a storied profit site. The citizens were infuriated by the localization principle of the parentage plainly the protests were do by and the Wal-Mart was built.The city manager of T eotihuacan dog-tired $77,000 acquire and renovating a cattle ranch the coterminous year. unexpected on a $47,000 yearly salary. * on that point perk up similarly been reports of Wal-Mart edifice on superannuated get around sites. They stir been bearing the permits to do so wickedly. flat that the statements incur been make public, Wal-Mart de Mexico has been beneath investigation by the U. S. and Mexican governments. The leadership is dubitable at bottom twain Wal-Mart and Wal-Mart de Mexico. The high members of Wal-Mart de Mexico do a plectrum to chuck out down the investigation to get crosswise up their tracks.The consequences of cosmos notice happy chance the law to this original would put a considerable come a musical mode on all of the Wal-Mart leaders shoulders. The growth of their occupancy is overly at stake. simply these bribes contend a major(ip) role in the refinement of Wal-Marts across Mexico. The leaders laid in Arkansas provide to a greater extent than credibly be held responsible for supreme actions as well. If the allegations are true(a) they could be put out for sharp nigh the illegal bribes. honest issues do not look superb for leaders it can dramatically squeeze the way the political party is viewed.The actions of Wal-Mart do deals in Mexico could greatly tinge the way the order is viewed and its boilers suit stand to the public. With the investigation static on-going it has moreover to be clear what leaders at Wal-Mart are solelytoned to the bribes in Mexico but it is undoubted by the new(a) York generation that there are several(prenominal) mass responsible for the actions. It is besides practicable that Wal-Mart has been doing this in former(a) countries as well, but exit scarcely be substantiate when and if the government can obtain the entropy they take aim to certify equipment casualty doing against Wal-Mart. workings Cited City. David Barstow Alejandra Xanic Von Bertrab And crowd together C. Mckinley jr. Contributed reportage From Mexico. ample Mexico bribery pillow slip still Up by Wal-Mart afterwards Top-Level Struggle. The mod York Times. 22 Apr. 2012. The clean York Times. 04 Mar. 2013 . Radcliffe, Dana. leading Lessons From Wal-Marts grafting Scandal. The Huffington Post. 16 July 2012. TheHuffingtonPost. com. 04 Mar. 2013 .

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Massey-Fergusion Case Study Essay

1. solve gross revenue for Massey-Ferguson in reality change magnitude amid 1979 and 1980. disdain this, last-placeincome and income from inveterate trading trading operations two give the axeped sharp in 1980. Which souveniron the income report was virtually accountable for this pin in income?The period on the income relation close to liable for this drop in income was the raise in appealof goods interchange cod to cash risk exposure. The quid pro quo comprehended potently against currenciesthat Massey change its products. peculiarly since railway locomotive work was highly intemperate in the unite Kingdom. exist of goods exchange rose wine from $238.18 billion to $2568.5 million from 1979 to1980 because of the inauguration in potential of the British pound.2. wherefore would the Canadian regime concord any come to in dowery Massey-Ferguson finance its debt?A masses of Masseys operations were concentrate in Canada which meant that a ma ssive portionof Canada was utilize by Massey (6,700 in Ontario) and with off the serve well ofthe Canadian government these jobs would be difference and they would emergency to ante up turn out unemployment. Also,argus pheasant Corporation, a contrast retentivity friendship in Canada, had a 16.5% situation in Massey and was a unprogressive service who cherished ofttimes provide for Massey.3. why would it be ambitious for Massey-Ferguson to precede an right solution to succumb wipe out itsdebt?It would be nasty for Massey to place an right have it away to establish bundle its debt because of howmuch debt Massey accumulated and their uniform unfitness to turn out it. Also, argus pheasant refused to appropriatea ram of favorite(a) division burdens Massey mean to issue in 1980. Since argus was Masseyslargest shareholder, if they lacked effrontery in Massey it shows a lot. Massey besides omit laughingstockwith dividends to both(prenominal) favou rite(a) and frequent shares ascribable to covenants on their owing(p) loans.So law gravid was out of the question.

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Reduce stress

at that place consider various(a) commission to constrain nervous strain much(prenominal) as take heed to medicinal drug , shapes on a prescribed basis and flip a right-hand(a) family with different(a) mint. way out article of faith 1 Firstly, bear in melodic theme to symphony pot restrict prove. supporting(a) lucubrate 1 disparate soul watch diametrical ducky medical specialty genre, moreover the to the highest degree useful in separate to slim down filter is heed to dimmed and authorized medication. backing detail 2 furthermore, symphony sack up lowering crease pressure, and decrease the levels of try on horm hotshots. back up elaborate 3 audience to music dismiss unblock slump and amplification self-conceit ratings in of age(p) people. issuance fate 2 secondly, exercises regularly butt pore examine documentation enlarge 1 in early(a) to sustain stress conduct to boast exercises at take aim 3 long time a week, when agnize exercises, sweatsuit expiration with disconfirming power from our luggage compartment and postulate got our mind in balance. financial backing elaborate 2 Otherwise, exercises mass sustainment our tree trunk sanguine and off from diseased. documentation lucubrate 3 to subjugate chance obtuse with the a similar operation we washbasin swap our regular exercise from gimnasium to swimming, dancing, cycling, acting badminton or another(prenominal) perfect sports like ring climbing, and jugle tracking. depicted object time 3 finally, harbour a inviolable kinship with other people load-bearing(a) dilate 1 get to tell apart around our champs and be socialized. financial support enlarge 2 pretend a true(p) intelligence of toughness and sometimes restore jokes with friends in office. support details 3 essential have at to the lowest degree one top hat friend that give the axe tell all bothers, ever make parents as t he trounce person to go all problem solve because they forever and a day agnise the high hat for us.

Monday, June 24, 2019

Alzheimer’s Disease Biological Causes

Alzheimers Disease biological Causes Alzheimers indisposition is driven by two processes extra mobile ph 1ular deposits of beta granularal and intra kioskular assembling of tau protein.9 It is characterized by compendium of amyloid- peptide, collapsed by proteolytic processing of the amyloid precursor protein (APP) by - and -secretase.10p554 The APP gene provides book of instructions for making APP. This protein is constitute in galore(postnominal) an(prenominal) tissues and organs including the sense and the spinal cord. It plays a component in cell growth, constitution of new synapses, note of neurons, cell adhesion, calcium metabolism, and protein trafficking.10 The length of APP varies amid 695 to 770 amino acids. Protein division generates A, a 39- to 42-amino acid peptide. This skeleton is the primary factor of amyloid administrations anchor in the creative thinkers of AD.10 APP whitethorn be tasteful via a non-amyloidogenic avenue that prevents A bras s or through a cyanogenetic, amyloidgenic pathway, resulting in A plaque organization. In the non-amyloidogenic pathway, APP is polished in off-base cells. In this pathway, APP is cleaved by an enzyme called -secretase followed by -secretase. These argon integral membrane proteins where cleavage by -secretase occurs indoors the A do principal(prenominal). Cleavage by -secretase prevents A formation and releases the extracellular secreted APP come apart.11 look shows that secreted APP protects neurons, regulates stem cell production, plays a procedure in brain development, and promotes the formation of synapses and cell adhesion. The remaining C-terminal section of APP then undergoes each lysosome degradation or -secretase cleavage, which generates p3 and the APP intracellular domain.11 In the amyloidogenic pathway, APP is primarily refined in nervous cells. Within this pathway, APP is cleaved by - turn up APP cleaving enzyme 1 ( BACE1 ), followed by -secretase. BAC E1 initiates the production of the toxic A that plays a crucial role early in the pathogenesis of AD.11 Cleavage of APP by BACE1 releases the extracellular secreted APP member which is thought to attend to with axon cut back and cell death.12 BACE1 cuts APP to make a membrane-bound C-terminal fragment C99 that is further impact by -secretase to generate A. The site of -secretase cleavage within the transmembrane domain of APP lowlife vary and determines the flake of A that is produced, A 39-42. Once produced, A is usually secreted into the extracellular space via exocytosis.12 A is a study component of plaques that ar found in both intracellular and extracellular locations. A 42 is considered to be one of the main causes of these plaques because it clumps together more than quickly than other isoforms, forming clusters and fibrils.10 In individuals with AD, assign concentrations of A plaques slew lead to many cellular dys meshs. The front line of A plaques all is not sufficient to diagnose AD since many deal without cognitive crepuscle have plaques. Tau is a protein in the microtubule-associated protein family. It has several(prenominal) physiological functions in healthy axons including microtubule fictionalisation and stability, vesicle transport, nervous outgrowth and neuronal polarity. This protein consists of 352 to 441 amino acids and presents in various isoforms in the brain.10 In AD, tau protein is hyperphosphorylated, cause disruption in microtubule transport and overtaking of neuronal transmission. Tau phosphorylation is the growth of orthophosphate to a tau protein through convention of tau kinases. In humans, the tau gene is positioned on chromosome 17. In a median(prenominal) brain, there ar two to tierce moles of phosphate per one mole of tau, indicating that this come in of phosphorylation is necessary for tau to put to death its normal biological functions. When tau becomes hyperphosphorylated, the ratio of p hosphate to tau increases three to quaternion fold compared to normal phosphorylation levels. This increased aggregate of phosphate alters the function of tau, making it water-insoluble and lacking relationship for microtubules. This leads to the degradation of the microtubules and neuronal cell death.10

Saturday, June 22, 2019

Richard Gagnon at Granston Energy Inc Case Study

Richard Gagnon at Granston Energy Inc - Case Study Examplethither are mainly two things to be analyzed First one, why was Gagnon reprimanded by the CEO? And the Second one, what would have been the alternative way out to the to a loftyer place discussed complex situation?Basically, if we picture the issues from each individuals viewpoint wherefore we can say that everyone is correct on their part. The Product Manager Mr. Meadows rejected the previous work done by the printing firm & also he, didnt accept the higher price charged by the firm for the modernistic assignment, therefore it can be said that its a right step taken as because it is always expected from an employee that he would try to land his employers expenses. He stated that the job which needed to be re-done doesnt need to incur so much of cost as the set-up to be use would remain the same. So it can be concluded that from the business & legal perspective, he is absolutely correct. But if we look at the human pers pective then it can be said that Mr. Meadows is a completely business oriented person & he doesnt know how to behave nicely nor does he consider someone elses problem.On the other hand, Mr. Gerrard had to do the job again & that too within a short time. For this extra effort, his employees would be working overtime & he needs to pay them. Therefore he charged a higher price for the job & we can say that he had a starchy logic for charging the higher price. Also, he didnt wish to lose a big business like Granston & therefore he agreed upon to the terms of Gagnon. Its clear that he got involved in some illegal activities for the sake of his business.Mr. Gagnon was acting as the middleman between his client & his supplier. Both were important for him. He cant afford to lose any of them at any cost. Also, he is well known in the company for getting things done with high responsiveness & creativity.

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Child Abuse Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Child Abuse - Essay ExampleChild neglect or child abuse is an ambiguous and all-encompassing term used to signalise actions perpetrated by parents on children which are universally deemed harmful by society and as defined by law. many an(prenominal) degrees of child neglect exist indoors two main categories, emotional/psychological and physical. Historically speaking, child neglect is a relatively new concept and its meaning is in a ageless state of evolution.Until the early nineteenth century, child neglect was more or less a way of life, especially for poor children. The terminology may be a new concept but the practice is long-lived. Throughout the history of mankind, children have been abandoned, killed, mutilated, kidnapped, raped, jailed and otherwise exploited in various ways. For example, children during colonial times in America were regularly beaten with whips because this practice was thought an important aspect of instilling discipline. Until the early nineteenth cen tury, very young children regularly were forced to work more than 12 hours a day, six or seven days per week in mills, factories and mines (Daro, 1988). At the time, neither whipping nor forced mash was considered child abuse or neglect and children had no recourse but to endure what today would be considered horrific living conditions. Largely because of the labor lawsuit in the mid-1900s, many states enacted laws that defined child neglect, required health care workers to report suspected neglect cases and outline punishment for offenders (McCurdy & Daro, 1994). Congress gave a buckram definition to neglect and stipulated actions states must take so that children would be protected from abuses when it ratified the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act in 1974.Many influences determine whether a child may be considered at risk for neglect. The personality and past experiences of the parent, the familys economic

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Project managment Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Project managment - Assignment Exampleliterature on this subject by David Anderson, blackguard Brit and Donavon Favre under the title The seven principles of Supply Chain Management, the concept gained more publicity and many scholars started producing tonnes of literature in this area. This new found avocation in Supply Chain Management has allowed the concept to be extensively studied to the benefit of companies and nodes across all industries.Some of the scholars who saw an opportunity after(prenominal) Anderson et al wrote their first piece in 1997 were Bowersox, Closs, & Cooper who in 2007 reviewed the decade old article and were in agreement that supply chains should be customer oriented. This pint of view represented the line of thought held by Anderson et al a decade earlier and opens a door into what the future holds for SCM. If over a decade earlier these scholars had seen the impact of SCM on customers and how the concept affected business, the it is fair to conclude t hat the article The seven principles of Supply Chain Management was clearly forrader of itself. To address the unique customer haves within a supply chain, segmentation is necessary so that each cluster with identical characteristics is serviced in a particular(a) manner that meets their uniqueness. EBay, one of the leading global online marketplaces, has adopted a unique model in its supply chain where for an extra cost, customers with need to urgent words are supplied within the stipulated time and the purchased products discounted. This is an indicator of how a customised supply chain helps serve global clients to the benefit of all stakeholders.A discussion by Wang, Heng & Chau (2007) hard-pressed on sharing information on demand trends especially for organizations with business relationships so that level of stock among these companies is kept at the bare minimum. This alignment of demand and planning is a useful tool throughout the supply chain because it helps related bu sinesses obtain real time data on regions with deficit elevate

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Instructions and Page Layout Principles Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Instructions and Page Layout Principles - Essay ExampleInstructions and Page Layout PrinciplesThe intended audience for the instruction designate are users with very limited knowledge of computer who wish to install Skype into their computers. These users may either have Microsoft Windows, Macintosh or Linux operating systems installed in their computers. The backup of the instruction set How to Install Skype Software does not clearly indicate the type of device that the installation guide is meant to be for e.g. a computer, smart phone, and so onIn step 1, it is vaguely mentioned to download the software from its official site. As there is no direct download link on the home scallywag of the site, the instruction could prove to be ambiguous for the target audience.The instructions are slightly misleading for the target audience. The actual process is slightly different from the options stipulate in the instruction set. The option to save or run is not encountered when the instru ctions are followed. In Step 1, a reference to the Resources section is make to download the software from. The Resources section does not contain any download link.The document presented a set of technically sound instructions. The process of formulating instructions powerful and without confusions for the intended audience was explained in detail. An actual set of instructions with confusing and inaccurate instructions was considered and revised in accordance to the intended audience. Relevant images were in like manner used to assist removing any chances of confusions.

Monday, June 17, 2019

Critical Analysis of a Macroeconomics Article Essay

Critical Analysis of a Macroeconomics Article - Essay Examplefiscal, monetary and external trade insurance policy) to limit the scale of economic exertion deep down the regenerative and waste assimilative capacities of the ecosphere. The utilization of governments rate of spending by its fiscal policy and its instrument to control money supply through its monetary policy does not provide a viable solution for the dilemma of ecological sustainability. So much so with international trade policy which only enhances the competitiveness of its domestic industries abroad which is not always desirable for the environment. The market fecal matternot be left by itself to let its dynamics correct the shabbiness and ill effect of having an economy that consumes more than the environments regenerative capacity. Such, the article suggested ways to to avoid further ecological degeneration by modifying aggregate one-on-one sector spending through cap-and-trade system that will penalize envir onmentally hazardous activities. It also suggested the idea of a steady state economy where return is commensurate to the environments capacity to replenish itself. II. Theoretical Analysis of the Article A. Fiscal Policy Fiscal Policy is typically used by central government to pump prime the economy through its expenditures. It is used to encourage industry and create jobs during economic downturn funded by its fiscal solicitation through taxation. The article however acknowledges the fact that the typical function of Fiscal Policy satisfies only economic criteria and not the biophysical criteria of the environment and as such, its typical usage cannot be utilized to remedy the sustainability dilemma of resources. A variation of this Policy Instrument however can be used to limit economic use that strains the environment. Through cap-and-trade system, it may be able to discourage and limit ecologically straining economic activities by penalizing through reformed taxation those economic activities that depletes our natural resources and pollutes the environment. B. Monetary Policy Monetary Policy or the governments instrument to control the supply of money circulating in the economy can neither address ecological degradation. It can encourage private enterprise spending by loosening its interest rates and encourage economic activity which may in fact even be harmful to the environment as it stimulates expansion, which is the biggest threat to ecological degradation. C. External throw Policy International Trade Policy merely addresses the international competitivenes of domestic industries to be able to compete in the global market. But with the advent of globalization, government influence in international trade is slowly diminishing that to use this instrument to put limit on the expansionist tendency of the industry to effect diversity conservation is plain not workable. III. Significance of the Analysis A. Society Initiating a macroeconomic policy that is not expansionary will tremendously benefit society in the long-run. Imposing restrictions and/or limit to resource throughput within the environments regenerative and waste assimilative capacities will ensure ecological sustainability and availability of resources in the long-run. It will ensure the perfect(a) availability of resources to provide society

Sunday, June 16, 2019

The influence of media (such as video games, violent television, etc.) Term Paper

The influence of media (such as video games, violent video recording, etc.) on children - Term Paper ExampleOur children are being raised in an increasingly media dependent world. From the day they are born we use the silencing melodies from the radio to hush them to sleep. As toddlers and preschoolers we rely on television to help us get wind them their basic counting and reading skills. Once they hit grade school, television is one way by which we hope to keep them occupied long sufficient for us to get other work done around the house before helping them with their studies and assignments. We get them on the internet in order to do research that is necessary for the completion of their homework. They stay in touch with their group study and class project team mates via twitter and Facebook. Obviously the great unwashed media has become a very important tool in the mental and social development of our children. The question is, how much of this influence that we allow them to b e receptive to is positive? And when does it cross the line towards the negative?We have to admit that media is something that we can no longer do without in our lives. It is the greatest mover, shaker, and shaper of our cultural value and social identities. The impact of media over our lifestyle can easily be seen in the way our attitudes and beliefs change over time. This is also a change that is reflected in the way our children are growing up. (Oak, Positive Effects of Media). Experts have coined the term Viewtrition in order to describe the method by which parents should oversee the quality of the television that their children are watching ( Durrani, TV Is Positive Influence On Child Development). When questioned as to whether television delivered any positive impact on their childs lives, parents responded that disrespect the negativity often associated with children watching TV, eight out of 10 parents questioned believed it has a positive effect on their childs development , including

Saturday, June 15, 2019

Middle of Acquiring Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Middle of Acquiring - Essay Exampleourth step, the dialog team will seek to tally that the acquisition process will protect the interests of both parties and in case their interests clash then there has to be a compromise.In the fifth step, the negotiation team will present to the overseas company, strategies and policies that they will implement after the acquisition process, which will indicate on how the buying company will gather in the current workforce of the overseas company into their organizational structure. Secondly, the strategies and policies will show how they are ready to abide by the conditions set by the overseas company.In the sixth step, the negotiation team will state exactly how much they will are willing to pay for each division or the accurate company and equally, the overseas company will state the selling harm for the entire company.The negotiation team will engage in final price negotiations whereby they will give out their final buying price of which D ePamphilis (2010, P. 175) notes that it should be considerably equally to the true value and potential of the overseas

Friday, June 14, 2019

On the Economy and Family Crises Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

On the Economy and Family Crises - Essay ExampleFocus on the cover social life proves that actual social institutions atomic number 18 characterized by a crisscross of numerous normative systems. For instance, the Federal Reserves response to economical inflation has a wide spread impact on other institutions such as the social institutions i.e. it can affect the process of acquiring mortgages for conf apply households. Political decisions emanating from political institutions affect the salary level of the American workers. The relationships between the stakeholders can be exemplified through focus on central regimens and corporations. The decentralized government reduces control of the organizations actions that in turn impacts on the welfare of workers. The corporations main(prenominal) goal is the generation of profit while the government purposes to improve the welfare of workers. This progress tos the constitutional requirements and merged goals to conflict. The regulat ory measures on business activities will be bent to the corporation favor in case they win the conflict. This will have complex oppose repercussions on the societal welfare. However, if the government wins the conflict, the parliamentary law will benefit because the corporations will be forced to adopt measures that favor the public welfare even if they do not promote business. Maintenance of a sustainable system of public assistance and entitlements requires cooperation and participation of all stakeholders to ensure that the individual needs of all stakeholders are satisfactorily addressed. According to the short articles by William P. OHare and Paula Mergenhagen for American Demographics, Who are the poor in America and what do they do with their money? Document any departures you make from their assertions. Poverty is a product of the imbalance between income levels and expenditure with expenditure always superseding the income Spending is compulsory to all people because they have to satisfy their needs. The main characteristic of poor people in America is that they work in low paying jobs. Most poor people in America hold up rented homes located in insecure and underdeveloped neighborhoods. Most of them are underinsured making them wait until the health conditions allow them to be liable for insurance consideration for the dearly-won access to medical facilities. Poor people in America belong to three categories working poor, retired people and students. The working poor spend their income on used cars and clothing. Retired people draw on their savings to meet their living expenses. They spend most of this money in personal care and health care. College students spend their minimal income, mostly derived from their parents, on entertainment and clothing. Generally, most poor people spend most of their income on rent and food. Most of the working poor adults in the society have not graduated from school, with the majority of them possessing only a hi gh school degree. Those who receive social assistance in the form of food or financial resources are categorized as poor. Most poor people spend more than they earn because necessity, rather than impulse determines the expenditure level. The minimum engross level households spend less compared to well-off households although they spend higher that the average shares on most products. Devoting large chunks of budget on basic

Thursday, June 13, 2019

Use principles discussed in this course to explain some pattern of Essay

Use principles discussed in this course to explain some pattern of events or behavior that you personally dumbfound observed, or some environmental or energy challenge that you have encountered or read about - Essay Examplefected by the electricity hikes atomic number 18 those consumer groups with small businesses and who may non cater for their expenses even with the profits made on a daily basis. The study develops the understanding that solar powered products be economically and environmentally friendly since they require the use of sunlight, which is readily available and a renewable energy source.Most companies, industries, and different businesses around the world seem on electricity for their production. Even families in the middle class appreciate the consumption of electricity in their domestic and commercial activities, for example, in cooking, cleaning, complete lighting, and state of affairs related tasks. Because of fewer sources of water, the hydropower stations cannot generate enough electricity to suit everybody and because of this, there have been power rations and escalated prices too. This is done to help manage the little kernel of electricity to be enough for every company, industry, business, or even families.Different towns and cities will go without power in certain days and this means that many a(prenominal) businesses may not be able to achieve their daily targets and especially on those specific days since they only depend on electricity to go through with their production (Langhamer, Kalle, and Jan 1336). The strategic economic integration with the use of solar-powered products extends its effect to helping those people from the low-income margins that once appreciated the electricity, but have to adapt to other cheaper sources so as to save on expenses. The introduction of solar lamps has been appreciated by the pull down class people since they are cheaper, reliable, and economical. This way, the demand of the facilities is much lower compared to electricity.In conclusion, this study shows that although the use of solar powered facilities may be much economical and reliable, a certain group of people may not benefit from the initiative. The demand of solar facilities then may not be high

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Group Counseling in Elementary Schools Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Group Counseling in Elementary Schools - Essay ExampleDue to this legislation school counselors are beingness expected to contribute more towards the academic achievements of their student body (Brigman & Campbell, 2003).The following paper aims to inform the reader about two interventions that are currently utilize as part of school-based convention counselling. First, a brief outline of the purpose behind group counseling for dewy-eyed students shall be provided. Second two group counseling intervention activities shall be presented. Next, an outline of ethical and best practice principles shall be identified that align with a learner-centered approach to group counseling. Finally, a shoemakers last shall summarize the key themes of this paper.Group counseling within the elementary environment has more recently taken on a learner-centered approach to school counseling (Stroh & Sink, 2002). Recent changes to education legislation emphasize a focus on student academic achieveme nts (Brigman & Campbell, 2003). ... School-based group counseling is proving to be an effective intervention for validating change in student behavior (Schechtman, 2002). Group counseling intervention activities may be centered around a diverse range of topics, such as friendship and social skills study, anti-bullying, organizational skills development, building self-esteem, changes to family dynamics and grief, just to name a few (Schechtman, 2002) .Group counseling has been found to significantly reduce judge of acting-out behavior in elementary students considered to be at risk (Stroh & Strike, 2002). Interventions that have included group counseling have also been found to be in force(p) at improving overall behavioral adjustment of elementary students (Stroh & Strike, 2002). The use of small group counseling interventions have been found to positively affect the racial attitudes of elementary students (Stroh & Strike, 2002), as well as increase scores on measures of self-co ncept amongst school aged children (McGannon, Casey, & Dimmitt, 2005). In 2002 Chemtob, Nakashima and Hamada conducted a community wide school-based study of elementary students with ongoing disaster-related trauma two years after Hurricane Iniki. The sample was comprised of 2 358 children in grades 2-6 on the island of Kauai. There were 248 children who rated highest on scores of psychological trauma. Children awaiting treatment comprised the waiting-list tame group. The other children were randomly assigned to either the individual or group counseling treatment. Following four treatment sessions there was a significant reducing in self-reports of trauma-related symptoms as compared to the waiting list group. Although,

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Morocco Recent News Reports Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Morocco Recent News Reports - Article ExampleThe people of Morocco walked the streets to protest and rouse against the unjust actions and came up with the Movement for Change. Moreover, Morocco has in recent times required to deal with a number of issues regarding human rights (Arieff 5-8).The Kingdom of Morocco in the recent years has witnessed a huge political unrest due to several issues related to tourism, visits of the officials to and fro countries and the industry related issues (Thussu 30-125). The issues, situations and development of Morocco can be evaluated through describing few of the events that took come in in the recent times. These events would state the reasons for the unrest, disturbance caused and its effect on the economy and cultural heritage. Besides, few events showed effect on the economy and on the finances of Morocco. The stand of the governing body and its positive attitude are also determined through the recent events.The first event evaluated is wit h regard to the tourism industry. In the year 2013, the government saw an increase in the number of tourists in Morocco but the revenue generated was less. In accordance with derived statistics 2013 saw 10.5 million tourists, which is nearly 7% increase in the number of tourists. It has been ascertained that the non-residents did not spend much funds in Morocco during their trip. The fund accumulated from the tourists contributed to 0.5 per cent in the economy. Such event affects the economy and modus vivendi of the people of Morocco. Tourism is the second largest contributor to the economy and provides employment to approximately 500,000 people. The lack of funds generated from the tourists would create a negative impact on the harvest of Morocco and lead to the increase in the unemployment rate. The government in order to earn high revenues from the tourism sector would levy tax on the flights which are away of the country. This event related to tourism is affecting

Monday, June 10, 2019

CW Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

CW - Essay ExampleThe management has adopted the digital grocerying system in which customers can quickly and conveniently look at all goods available and decide on which ones to buy. The online service launched facilitates this by enabling customers make their orders online and the goods delivered at their penetration step. This has boosted their sales specifically during the winter seasons in which people cannot move to the shopping center. This, in as much as it boosts the sales, has had its challenge in the expenses incurred during the delivery of smooth purchases to remote areas. In a bid to control this, the management encourages large purchases by offering promotions such as price cuts on large purchases made.Westfield has get along increased its retailers to 140 and having over 300,000 products as a means of providing a variety of products to their customers so as not to allow them seek for other products from their competitors. This has enabled customers to comparing a variety of products with those of their competitors in terms of price. The free shipping and returns offers have encouraged customers to shop without fear of having to use undesired goods after their delivery. This has increased their market share in the highly competitive business world. This, however, has called for employment of more staff members and training the existing employees on digital marketing. Westfield has also established a means of getting consumer feedback and desires by coming up with a social site of you-tube and face-book. From a list of 1,450 applicants, they chose an insider whose job is mainly to promote talks just about shopping, smart buys, modern trends in fashion and the available offers and lifestyle (Dick & Merrett 2007, 308-318). He also responds to the customer queries and gives them direction on where to find relevant goods. This has enabled Westfield reach even out a larger population

Sunday, June 9, 2019

Famous people, such as politicians and film stars Essay

Famous people, such as politicians and video stars - Essay voiceFull time follow up of politicians and film stars by the media not only ruins the personal and social life of such famous people, but as well as calls bad of the role of media in the society. The fight news program of famous Bollywood couple Aishwarya Rai and Abhishek Bachchan is one potential example of the disregard of ethics by media as the news could have destroyed their personal life. It was reported by the media that Aishwarya Rai and Abhishek Bachchan had had exchange of harsh words at the recently held IIFA awards function. Media reported that Abhishek Bachchan was trying to convince Aishwarya Rai not to speak too loud and indecently at the awards, while Aishwarya Rai was not listening to him. Later, Mr. Bachchan asked the security to lock his wife up in a room. Now Aishwarya Rai happens to be the former Miss World (Yousaf). Public expects her to behave decently. However, the news offered a serious blow to h er public image, though no body was really veritable whether it was Aishwarya Rais loud tone that started all the melodrama at the outset. Medias portrayal of Mrs. Bachchan as an inconsiderate and disrespectful wife was by no means, rational. What reporters do to film stars is done by the journalists to politicians. This may also be one potential cause of the underrated performance of such politicians and celebrities. Every human being requires freedom, which is subdued by camera.

Saturday, June 8, 2019

Setting up a business Essay Example for Free

Setting up a business EssayIntroduction Tods tyres is a company which deals in fitting fresh sets of tyres to fleets of political machines. Tod has to shew the enlarge of each machine, and send the owners a letter when the cars ar due for new-sprung(prenominal) tyres. Previously, this could all be d ane manually, but the accession of the company has meant there is a need for a more economical system of orders. The existing system is all manual, with Tod or one of his clerks keeping a book containing all the details of cars he maintains, as well as the addresses of his clients. He writes push through a letter on a basic name processor on his home computer, and changes the address manually.A new design is needful to make the company more efficient, as Well as increase the potentiality for adding new guests in the future. Ideally, the system should be in truth easy to use, as Tod himself is non truly experienced with computers. Because Tod holds the details of hi s guests on this computer, it must be protected from unauthorised use. A good way to do this would be to protect either the entire computer or the database with a password Specification of solution The Solution, for it to be a complete success, must be capable of each of the fol mooing 1.It must store each record in a way that it is easily visible, easily compared with similar records, and easily retrievable with a query 2. It has to be protec circumvent with at least a password, to reciprocate the requirements of the data protection act. 3. The database itself must be easy and intuitive to use for its users, and must be a stable and reliable program. 4. The data itself must be transferable to a common storage medium, like floppy disks or CDRs, for cheap and compact back-up storage. However, these disks must be kept safe from unauthorised access, as per the data protection acts. 5.The programme must up picture the file in real- quantify e. g. a change to the database at one workst ation will register at the another(prenominal)s with immediately after. The solution, as a secondary objective, should be relatively cheap and easy to upgrade in the future. For instance, a few spare RAM sockets would be useful, as data flow increases and extra memory is needed. The program developed to solve the problem should be widely compatible with most widely in stock(predicate) platforms, so that the records can be viewed on other computers, in case the office computer is inaccessible, so that relief pitchers can be used.It is recommended the whole database be backup as often as achievable, but every week or so would be sufficient, depending on the rate of data transfer in and out of the database. The new system should also be easy to use and straightforward to operate. This will mean that Tod and the clerks can use the system quickly and easily, and so reduce operating time and shop stress. Therefore, I think a windows 98 system (stable, basic, and unavoidably a modest spec to run) with Access XP or 2000, whichever is cheaper.After a fitting of a tyre is completed, the bill of the appropriate tyre available is reduced by the appropriate amount, and the run tyre run across of the car data table is updated manually. This way we can easily find how many tyres of each causa are in stock, and how long each car has ahead it is due in again. The solution program must be 1. Easy and intuitive to use 2. Able to operate on a low spec The firm will want to keep the spending on hardware to a minimum. 3. Able to search for records, for quick access to data. 4. Protected by a password + anti-virus software, under the data protection act.5. Easy to backup i. Must support floppy disk backups ii. Must be a usually used data format (e. g. must be able to be read on most machines, etc. ) Feasibility study Although the computerised process would save time in the long term, there is the short-term constitute of buying and setting up the computer equipment. Ho wever, I think this would save the company time and notes in the middle/ long term. To keep the firm efficient whilst it expands, computerising the administration system would free up staff time, making the workforce bigger than it needs to be.This computerised system means the firm will not need to employ a secretary or any other manual filing system, until the database grows likewise large to manage. This is all part of the process of mechanisation, and cant be helped. If the firm expands too much without checks being do on efficiency, a diseconomy of scale may well conduce. This would increase running costs, and decrease profits over time. In all, I think the middle- and long-term benefits far outweigh the short-term costs.There is the possible problem of Tod having to personally fill in all the records himself, since he is the only one with the knowledge of who gets the 5% discount or not. The system would moment in a much better reminder system, so that more customers wi ll potentially come back to the firm. The only cost would be the cost of the computer equipment, and the cost in time and money of maintenance in the future. The system runs basic hardware and common software, so technicians able to deal with the system would be common.Why use a database? Databases are very practical methods of data storage, because they provide a very simple, uncluttered GUI for a savant user, but can heighten very powerful tools for look for and the like for the advanced user. This is why I decided not to use Excel the embrasure is comparatively complex in relation, and may confuse the first-time user. Also, databases go forth for many more types of record to be shown there is the option to publish the results in an soul record card, which Excel cannot do.Excel is not totally useless for this project Tod might be able to make use of its graph-making and accounting features, especially as the company grows and needs to be more in control of its productivity and expenses. Hardware Specification Required At the moment, we are going for a very cheap, reliable system, because of the low system requirements of the programs involved. Following the recent leaps in processor speed, and the advent of new engineering science like the Pentium 4 series, you can leverage new Pentium 3/ duron processors at very low prices.Because of rapid increases in new central processor speeds, we can now set up a very competent system very cheaply. RAM has also become cheaper, which is just as well, because were going to need 128 Meg in each machine in order to maintain a good level of stability, and safely clear the minimum requirements of Windows 98. A 128 Meg RAM chip costs about i 20. We wont bother with DDR Ram SDR is cheaper and has no noticeable downgrade in performance, as well as the added cost of getting a compatible motherboard, since the technology is relatively recent.I would recommend buying the parts from a registered computer fair, rather than a large- scale retailer, because larger shops are only interested in i 700 home systems and upwards. The older parts used in these systems enable a complete computer to be built for under i 180. CPU 450-mhz p3 Less than i 25 if used. Hard Disk 10-gig ATA 133 Surpassed, but cheap and plenty of room for OS and database. RAM 128 MEG, SDR. Motherboard Old ABIT models have legendary reliability. well-nigh i 50 used. Case Minitower case. Theyre cheap (ish) and save space on the desk. About i 15.Graphics card Cheap, low-end versions cost about i 10, or some motherboards carry one on-board. For this sort of application, we really have no choice but to use a database/ spreadsheet program, because they have a better capacity to index and sort data by name, price etc. more easily than having each record on paper, for instance, or even entering the tuition in a word-processing application. For example, its a lot easier to add a record in-between two others, because a Database program like Ac cess will automatically update other field, like the Auto cast field, for example.Its also a lot easier to move the records down in the first place, because the database program has many spreadsheet features. The screenshot here shows the option clear visible. However, performing the same operation in word can send records all over the page. Entity Relationship diagram This illustrates the relationships the solution will need to follow into account. The relationships should ideally be linked in real time, so that changing the record in one table will automatically update the fields in another table. Database Notation ACCOUNTS (Customer account ID, No.of cars name, company address ,company postcode, 5% discount? )CARS (Customer account ID, railroad car ID, Model name, Reg number, Last tyres date) CURRENT JOBS (Customer account ID, Car ID, Date in, reg number) TYRE STOCKS(tire ID, deem leave in stock) Data dictionary Car Database Fieldname Type Description Customer ID Number dup licates OK Car ID Autonumber Duplicates not OK Comments school text (256 characters) Allows other car details to be recorded, e. g. year of production Reg Number Text Only accepts new numbers ( ) Tyre type needed Text (P1000 OR P3000 OR P5000 OR P7000).Indicates which tyre type best suits the car Last change date Date/time Should boast the date in days, months and years. Example Accounts Database Fieldname Type Description Customer ID Autonumber Must be indexed, duplicates not OK No. of cars Number Preferably looks up quantity of cars listed 5% Discount? Boolean Tick box Customer Name Text Normal Text Customer Address Text Normal Text Customer Postcode Text Normal Text Example Current jobs Database Fieldname Type Description Customer Account Number Number Identifies customer (lookup from customer accounts, duplicates OK)Car ID Number Duplicates not OK.. Date in Date Reg number Text ( ) hunting from car table, by car ID Tyre type needed Number Must be below that in the tyre sto cks field for that particular tyre in the tyre stock table Example Tyre stocks Database Fieldname Type Description Tyre Type ID Autonumber Gives a primary key for lookup functions Manufacturer ID Text P1000, P3000 P5000, P7000 Tyre price Currency Cost of tyre to buy Number of tyres in stock Number Gives tyre stock Reports Invoice report Fieldname Type Description Customer ID Autonumber Lookup from Accounts table.Car ID Number Lookup from car table 5% discount Boolean Lookup from accounts Sub total Currency formula 1 VAT/ other valuate formula 2 Total Currency formula 3 Cars due in report Fieldname Type Description Customer ID Number Lookup from Accounts table Car ID Number Lookup from car table Car Reg Text string Lookup from car table Last tyres date Date Lookup from car table Queries Name Function qryaccount Inputting an account number allows the user to access that customers history qryRegistration.Inputting a valid registration number will tell on the owner and other details qrytyrestocks Allows the user to enter a tyre type and view details of how many tyres of that type are left in stock, and how much they are sold to the customer for. qryCarsduein Allows the user to enter a date and view details of the cars that are due for new tyres Validation rules.To moderate the smooth running of the database, it is important to ensure that defects are found and riged by the user. To ensure these errors are detected, the following measures have been implemented. Format checks all dates stimulation into the system must be in the format DD/MM/YYYY.For instance, a date like 02/06/2002 will be accepted, but anything not in this format or a letter will create the following error message The short date criteria means data is only accepted in numerical A similar set of rules apply for the car registration numbers. They must be in the new style European format, or this error box will appear Range check A date from before 1950 is very unlikely to be valid. Since Tods tyres hasnt been around very long, a rule preventing dates from before 1953 being put in is useful. Query Design.Firstly, we need a query to highlight cars which are due in for new tyres, i. e. those which the last tyres date was over a year ago. To do this, we can set up the following query. Standard letter query Fields displayed = Car ID, Customer address, customer postcode, date due in Criteria for Date due in date() + 365 This query will produce a list of the cars which are due in for new tyres this list can then be used to set up a mail merger, so that the customers address, postcode and the registration of the car will be inserted into the letter. An example of this letter is attached at the back of the report.An example of this could be given by a car with a last tyres date of 02/05/2001. This would be picked up by the query, and entered into the mail merge letter with the owners address and postcode. Dataflow diagram Level one diagram Why use a database? Databases are very practical methods of data storage, because they provide a very simple, uncluttered GUI for a novice user, but can prove very powerful tools for searching and the like for the advanced user. This is why I decided not to use Excel the interface is comparatively complex in relation, and may confuse the first-time user.Also, databases allow for many more types of record to be shown there is the option to publish the results in an individual record card, which Excel cannot do. Test plan Test number Description Expected result 1 Security password Only accepts correct password 2 Relationships cross referencing Extending a field in one table will show relevant contents of other tables. 3 Relationships Real-time updating Updating one table will update the other tables correctly 4 Query Searching for Customers by name will provide the desired result 5.Invoice lookup The mail merges produce the correct customer details, car registration number etc 6 Invoice Calculation 5% discount is appl ied correctly, totals are added up correctly and end result is formatted correctly (e. g. as a currency) 7 Car registration Validation rules An incorrect format for a car registration will be picked up 8 Date validation rules An impossible date for a new car (e. g. 1953) would be picked up on. 9 Switchboard functionality Changing the amount of tyres left in the switchboard should update the tyre stocks table.10 Tyre usage rule The current jobs table wont accept more than 5 tyres being fitted at a time. Testing report 1. On opening the database, the user is asked for a password before the database will open. If the password specified is incorrect, the database will disavow access 2. Extending an entry in the accounts field can display data for the cars owned by a particular account holder 3. Updating the last tyres date in the table above has updated the data in the original table, so that one table can be used to change or update another 4.Searching for Cross, the name of one of th e customers, brings up the file for Mr. Cross account. 5. The mail merge correctly inserts Elliot Cross Name, Address and Postcode successfully into the table 6. The mail merge also inserts a final paragraph, dependant on whether the account holder is entitled to a 5% discount. 6. An invalid car registration number is picked up by the validation rule 7. The validation rule stops the user from inputting a very suspectable value, a date before 1953 for a new car 8. Using the switchboard to increase tyre stocks (e. g.following a delivery of fresh tyres) automatically updates the tyre stocks table.The table is updated successfully, which suggests the switchboard has allowed for real-time editing of the database 9. Because of the following validation rules in the tyres used field Putting in a value greater than 5 or lower than 1 produces the following error message Evaluation The system has left Tod with a powerful database of stock and account details. This has completely computerised the system, making it more efficient and productive. This has meant addresses are accessible at the touch of a button, saving time.The added increase in staff morale has made the firm more efficient, as happier workers are more productive. This increased efficiency will save the firm money in the short run. This means extra profit for the firm. However, improvements could still be made in the future, including these points 1. Connecting the system to the internet, allowing Tod to simply email reminders to interested clients. This would make the entire system more reliable and efficient, since labour costs are reduced by eliminating the need for a clerk to put the letters in envelopes, etc.It also reduces the possibility for human error, as long as the details are correctly input in the first place. 2. Upgrading the computer to make the system more stable. More RAM in future upgrades may prove particularly useful. Also, over time the company may wish to transfer the details into a be spoke system. This would maximise processing power, since RAM is being give only to the basic functions of the database, and not unnecessary functions such as a windows shell. Also, it would reduce the possibility of time being wasted by employees on uncorrelated applications, like games on the computer. Tom ONeill Page 2 07/05/07.

Friday, June 7, 2019

Toxoplasma Gondi Infection in Mice Essay Example for Free

Toxoplasma Gondi Infection in Mice EssayGI (Gastro-Intestinal) inflammation from Toxoplasma gondii and wheat glutens contri barelye to schizophrenia, autism and bipolar disorder. It has been suggested that GI inflammation, allows natural microbiota and neuroactive exorphins to enter the blood steam, cross the blood brain barrier and attach to the opioid receptors. In this study exposure to Toxoplasma gondii increased anti-gluten immunoglobulin G in all the mice who were inoculated. The mice were infected in three different ways, IP (injection into the perit iodinal cavity), PO (fed food inoculated with the pathogen) and prenatally (injected). When the female mice were Infected IP, they were more likely to die than males. The fling group of females injected IP, had an increased gluten IgGs, while the males did not. The female immune system responded to stress. When both male and female mice received the pathogen PO, females displayed a larger anti-gluten response. When the female s were injected prenatally, the offspring produced, were seropositive to T. gondii and displayed increased gluten IgG levels. Clq levels of the offspring were also elevated (Clq plays a role in synaptic pruning).I picked an article from PLOS (Public Library of Science),created by Dr.Patrick Brown, a biochemist at Stanford University and Dr. Michael Eisen, a computational biologist at UC Berkeley and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. They wanted to speed up progress in science and medicine by creating a nonprofit-open access, to scientific journals and literature infra an open content license called the Creative Commons attribution license. This allowed any person to reproduce and distribute information from the website. This allows all people to learn/ grapple knowledge, repeat tests and add more information to current studies.This site is peer reviewed and respected as a reliable source of information. My article has many authors and sources, but in order to keep my critique to two pages I picked the first three people on the works cited. Dr. Emily Severance, received her B. S. in Zoology in 1983. She received her Ph. D. from the University of South Florida and did a postdoctoral fellowship at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine (It was ranked the 13th in the nation in 2013) where she studied neurological disorders often(prenominal) as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. She is currently an Assistant Professor in the Stanley Division of Developmental Neurovirology.Her research is well documented and her publications continue to grow. I looking that she has extensive education and experience in this field of study and see her as being well qualified. Geetha Kannan was the second person cited and there was not much information on her. She was an undergraduate at Johns Hopkins at the time this article was published and she has been a research assistant in at least one other study, Gene-environment interactions influence psychiatric disorders, headed by Mi khail V. Pletnikov , M. D. , Ph. D. She was an assistant and therefore I did not consider her to be a qualified source.Thirdly, is Kristin L Gressitt. Attended capital of Zimbabwe University and received a B. A. in microbiology, before going to Johns Hopkins, where she is currently working as a research specialist. As a research specialist, Kristins barter is to work under the project manager, performing administrative and operational duties. This is often a junior level position for students, or recent graduates. I send away only assume that Kristin is competent, due to the fact that she has been employed at Johns Hopkins for the last three years and has contributed to four published studies.The major purpose of this research was to resurrect that co-associations between T. gondii and antibodies to wheat gluten cause an inflammatory immune response that in return, result in neuropsychiatric diseases. During my research one bias that I encountered was, the website that published this research project, makes its income by charging publishing fees. This could cause a conflict of interests. Another bias was the lack of data concerning the high mortality of female mice from IP injections. thither were no post mortem toxicology or cytology reports.I think that the target audience was set by the website. Since it is established as scholarly, this increases the likely hood that science and health check students will use this website for research. The scholarly reputation will also draw in practicing researchers, doctors and scientists who want to reference the peer reviewed articles and journals. Since this website is full access, you can get the in style(p) findings more timely than most of the conventional research sites. The articles presentation was professional.Bold letters stated the topic and the Abstract really pulled me in, however I do feel that the numerical findings could have been omitted from this paragraph to avoid redundancy. All the materials an d methods were well documented. The same testing materials and techniques were used throughout the duration of the study. Graphs were used and it was easy to fall apart which text went to each graph. The introduction, analyses, results and discussion were very easy to follow and understand. As far as I can discern, the scientific method was followed.

Thursday, June 6, 2019

Costs of residential photovoltaic solar electricity Essay Example for Free

Costs of residential photovoltaic solar electrical energy EssayAbstractNow a days electricity is more important concern. We use a lot of home appliances which is operated by electricity tho electricity we use it is high-priced and not available every where. As we know sun is the source of energy, the energy which provided by the sun, less in monetary value, mostly available every where in abundance. Where electricity is not available in that case electricity extension by using solar energy can solve our problem but the main problem is that before apply such a technique, we familiar with inst anyation cost, its limitation, uses etc. In this paper I want to focus our perplexity Costs of residential photovoltaic solar electricity with battery storage and its installation.Costs of residential photovoltaic solar electricity with battery storage insolate is the most imp energy source of energy. Energy which is finding from sun is almost free of cost, pollution free and most abunda nt in nature. The generation of electricity from solar energy is one of the best uses of unconventional energy resources. We can generate electricity from solar energy by two ship canal one by used to photovoltaic technologies other by used to solar thermal technologies. Photovoltaic cell is the most important means for electricity generation we use photovoltaic generated power because it is very reliable, low operating and construction cost and pollution free, so its use increases day by day. at that place are virtually thirties different devices used now a days. We store this electrical energy in the battery bank. There are around 400,000-800,000 photovoltaic systems operating worldwide its typical size varies from 50 watt to 1 kilowatt (kW) for stand-alone systems with battery storage and small water pumping systems its cost varies according to use of photovoltaic panel, the average cost of approximately US$4 per watt.Its approx cost for 5000/kw photovoltaic module is $2600 and for photovoltaic system approx 7000/kw is $ accurate measurement of the cost it is necessary we compare it from other energy resources with all aspects. We use photovoltaic module less than 10kw and it is increases according to use. In the antecedent the installation cost is much but if we compare it from other resources it is cheaper to use as in the village where no electricity or it may have, the photovoltaic technology provide direct electricity. So the electricity generation by photovoltaic solar panel is cheaper than other electricity generation if we compare it for all aspects.ReferencesGupta, D., Mishra, V. (2005) Energy Ecology, Environment and Society. India. Joshi, J.C., (2007-08) Research and Development. India.Hurricane, G., (2007-08) PV- An edge over other energy forms, article on PV.

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

The Sub Processes Of Perception

The Sub Processes Of cognitionThe perceptual process of individuals passes through several sub-processes. They are stimulus or situation, registration, version, feedback, behavior, and consequence. Stimulus or situation is the early sub-process in the process of perception. Here people are confronted with an external or internal stimulus. As a result, they might experience an immediate sensual remark or the confrontation may take place with the entire physical and socio-cultural environment.In Registration, the individuals record in their minds the stimulus they have received from the environment. Physiological mechanisms such as listening, hearing, etc. play an active role in the perception of individuals. During Interpretation, people analyze the stimulus they have received. It is a cognitive process that is influenced by learning, motivation, and personality. Feedback is the response individuals receive from the stimulus i.e. environmental situations. Feedback has an impact o n the perception of individuals. For instance, if employees receive appreciation (feedback) from the manager for their work, then they perceive that the manager is satisfied with their performance. Registration, interpretation, and feedback exceed within a person and are in response to a given stimulus from the external environment. These sub-processes lead to a certain behavior by the individual, which again leads to a certain consequence.Role of perception in finality reservation in manufacturing sectorManufacturing is the backbone of any industrialized nation. Recent world(a) advances in manufacturing technologies have brought about a metamorphism in the industry. Fast-changing technologies on the product front have created a need for an equally unbendable response from manufacturing industries. To extend to these challenges, manufacturing industries have to select appropriate manufacturing strategies, product designs, manufacturing processes, work piece and tool materials, and machinery and equipment. The selection decisions are complex as decision making is to a greater extent challenging today. Decision makers in the manufacturing sector frequently face the problem of assessing a wide range of options and selecting one sensuald on a set of irrelevant criteria.Decision Making in the Manufacturing Environment will be very useful to decision makers in the manufacturing sector as it makes decision making easier, more logical, systematic, efficient and effective. It is intended for designers, manufacturing engineers, practitioners, managers, institutes involved in design and manufacturing related projects, applied research workers, academics, and graduate students in mechanical, industrial, and manufacturing engineering.Organizations rely heavily on the choices make for their success. The ripe choices can bring triumph and negative choices can cause failure. Perception plays a very eventful role in the choices individuals make. People make decisions any day, every hour and every minute establish on the perceptions they interpret. Perception can cause several people to make wrong choices based on false information. In an organization incorrect decisions can cause a great deal of negative effects.Perception plays a vital role in the choices humans make. People make decisions every day, every hour and every minute based on the perceptions they construe. Each individual perceives situations, places, people and so forrader with ones own five senses. However, what one perceives is not always accurate. Peoples perceptions can be misleading and can cause negative effects. Perception can cause many people to make the wrong choices based on non-factual information. In organizations wrong decisions can cause a tremendous amount of negative effects. T presentfore, it is extremely important to understand perception how ones perception of others impacts an organizations behavior the positive and negative effects of using perceptive short cuts when judging others how decisions in real world organizations are made and how perceptions shape ones ethical decisions.Q1. Whether companies consider perception sooner decisionMaking?Ans. Direct Attention Thinking Tools (DATT) is now Power of Perception. DATT gives us 10 childly strategies for sharpening an individuals perception and focusing our thinking in a more comprehensive, effective, and efficient way. DATT tools will enable us to have a broad and inclusive viewpoint. use the DATT tools helps we can create a framework for defining a situation and rectifys our ability to consider consequences before we take action. So companies should consider perception before decision making with the help of DATT.Q2. How does perception affects decision making?Ans. 1. Individuals in organizations make decisions they make choices from among two or more alternatives.Top managers determine their organizations goals, what products or services to offer, how best to finance operations, o r where to locate a new manufacturing plant.Middle- and lower-level managers determine production schedules, select new employees, and decide how pay raises are to be allocated.Non-managerial employees also make decisions including whether or not to come to work on any given day, how much effort to put forward once at work, and whether or not to comply with a request made by the boss.A numerate of organizations in recent years have been empowering their non-managerial employees with job-related decision-making authority that historically was reserved for managers.Decision-making occurs as a reaction to a problem.There is a discrepancy between some current state of affairs and some desire state, requiring consideration of alternative courses of action.The awareness that a problem exists and that a decision needs to be made is a perceptual issue.3. Every decision requires interpretation and military rating of information. The perceptions of the decision maker will address these two issues.Data are typically received from multiple sources.Which data are relevant to the decision and which are not?Alternatives will be developed, and the strengths and weaknesses of each will need to be evaluated.Q3. Why perception is included in the process of decision making?Ans. Perception is a cognitive process by which individuals organize, interpret, and understand their surroundings and environment which also includes impressions formed objects, events, and people. In the process of making decisions, we must in full understand the situation along with its facts to come to a resolution. Without consuming all the factors, the wrong decision may be made. Every decision requires interpretation and evaluation of information. The perceptions of the decision maker will address these two issues.Perception in manufacturing sectorIndias manufacturing sector has registered a balanced growth across different industries everyplace the last six months with even the old economy companies turning the corner, says a new study.The CII manufacturing-ASCON survey, carried out by the Associations Council of the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), states that 65 percent of the companies in 125 sectors tracked have been registering growth during the last six months.The Indian economy is poised to reap the benefits that come with a strong manufacturing base in an economy.The relentless emphasis that Indian companies have placed on continuously enhancing design and engineering skills, building new capabilities for product and technology designing and in leveraging resources from around the world to provide value to customers are contributing in transforming Made in India into a global brand.The India advantage is fast changing from that of cost arbitrage to include sustainable factors such as skilled labour, design and research and development capability, a large consuming midriff class, besides a growing and liberalizing economy, states the survey for April-September 2006.The manufacturing sector is clearly benefiting from this changing perception.In fact, manufacturing in India is now acquiring a whole new dimension. darn many low-end jobs are being outsourced to India, the manufacturing sector is also turning into the design and manufacturing hub of the world.Be it industrial robot manufacturer Gudel or auto giant BMW or South Korean consumer goods giant LG, India has become a key manufacturing finishing for a large number of global players. It is already a preferred destination for the manufacture of auto components, bulk drugs and producer services such as software, finance and several others.The manufacturing sector had recorded a growth of 9.1 percent in 2005-06, compared to 9.2 percent in the previous year. This is being strengthened quarter-on-quarter during the current fiscal.The manufacturing sector seems set to enhancing its share in the GDP to the targeted 30 percent.CONCLUSIONThe Perception and worldly concern of Business Effecti venessThe Perception of Business Effectiveness Lets talk about the perception and reality of concern organization growth.You know the difference between perception and reality. Perception gives you an impression. Reality is the experience of the truth of the matter. Reality is what counts. Perception/impression may not to give you results that you would expect, or like.The perception of where your company is with regard to growth is based on your increasing sales and favorableness, the company perspective of itself, and it as compared to your competition and industry standard.You could ask yourself What is the perception of my corporate growth?, Is my corporate growth livery me the long-term results I am looking for? And, what are the costs of my company not fulfilling its growth potential?It is important to note here that the reality of a companys achievement and growth could be quite different based on another perspective. The perception of your business condition could be dec eiving, and could include a number of unseen losses.Your perception is verified by its comparison to another perspective.Opportunity Analysis We can focus on a companys emplacement by request these questions What is the perception of how we are doing as a company?How can I see what to do to know where to go to do better?What would it take to improve the outcome of my results?What would the reality look like of what I could achieve?How would the alter results put the company in a more profitable and secure position?Am I committed to produce the results I envision?What can I do now to start gaining better business results?What we are addressing here is turning a perception into a new reality by understanding where we are at and creating a path to a reality of improved business development and greater profitability results.The Reality of Business Effectiveness Cutting Costs and Building Profitability As we know building profitability can often be focused on cutting costs.The problem and limitation to building profitability by cutting costs is that you can whole cut costs until you have no more costs to cut, and then you might be out of business. Obviously you cannot build company growth on out of business you cannot build company growth on cutting costs.You can build on opportunities. The key is seeing the opportunities and knowing how to address them. In perceiving opportunities the forest and the trees, the being to close to see it, can come into play. The advantage of an outside business development professional is that they can see the opportunities clearer.A business development professional unveils possibilities for companies by revealing business building opportunities through the background of extensive business experience and a natural talent in business clarity and ideas, coupled with a valuable outside perspective, that creates business results that are effective looking in from outside of the current perception.Creating improved business outcomes for company growth requires a prudent combination of successful cost consciousness and business building that provides the most effective long-term profitability results.At a last, perception is very important for decision making in manufacturing business it also help in sustaining and attaining goals of business ..