Wednesday, April 17, 2019

The role that agents of socialization play in shaping an individuals Essay

The role that agents of socialization play in shaping an individuals governmental conclusion - prove ExampleIn fact, journalism has the capability to challenge the political arrogance displays and acts as a likely channel to display the voices of political situations in a particular region. The word media conveys messages, meanings and symbols to the wider society and political news can actually affect the image of a politician or a political companionship in general (Schudson, 2002).Education system also has a role in forming the political culture of an individual. People learn through the various books, theories and history the political culture and heritage enjoyed in the country. similarly civics and law gives a lot of insight about(predicate) the political structures and systems prevalent and the constitutional rights enjoyed by a particular nation thereby helping an individual to form an opinion (Zechenter, 1997).Other than these, religion and the workplace of an indiv idual are important components shaping the political culture of an individual. Religion is especially a rife force in forming political culture. Also the workplace of an individual helps him to get information and form opinions about political culture. If the individual meets people from different regions coming from varied cultures, values, beliefs and religions then he may use up more knowledge about the cultures and opinions of other individuals.However, according to me the education systems and the media portrayal of the issues taking place take over helped in forming a political culture. The history and civics subject helps us to know more about the political systems in the country and the media including newspaper, television and radio have helped in forming my personal opinion about the political culture. Another important factor which helped to shape my political culture is my parents, peers and relatives. Discussions and debates help in knowing more information thereby helping in forming an opinion about the political culture. To conclude, a culmination of

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